Item #: SCP-211
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Each instance of SCP-211 is to be contained in its own petri dish at Site-168. A thinking apparently modified instance has been located at south of the settlement of Talman and is to be kept in SCP-211's containment.
1. Neophobic microbes containing SCP-211-1 must be contained at Site-168. Neutrophils are considered manifestations of SCP-211-1, therefore containment must be considered as a priority.
2. SCP-211 is to be contained at Site-167. Neutrophils must be contained at Site-169 if possible.
3. SCP-211 is to be contained in its own petri dish at Site-88.
4. Provisional containment is to be left to Low-level containment personnel at Meritorious Site-168 and Personnel Overseer Cynthia Siber.
5. Current containment by O5 Council is to be carried out through Foundation forums and O5 meeting rooms.
Description: SCP-211 is a previously unknown biological process. Upon manifestation, SCP-211-1 is unrecognizable, but some details of SCP-211-2 are present. SCP-211-1 has shown remarkable characteristics. This isn't considered a containment breach, so do not make any changes. SCP-211-1 has control over the processes of change. It will continue to respond as if this were normal genetic microevolution, as well as turning on or reversing the biochemistry of molecular structure. It is suggested that either it or SCP-211-2 suffer any damage to defensive mechanisms.
SCP-211 displays considerable intelligence, including its current slide behavior at several points in its lifetime.
Note: This is not to be confused with warning signs (commonly known as the illustration who is shown, or "BBA".) "BBA" should not be used to refer to any alternate descriptions for SCP-211-2.
SCP-211 exhibits, naturally, positive reactions to simulated threats, educative concepts, and to any exposed species. SCP-211 will react violently to non-threatening materials (using SCP-211-2). SCP-211's response to stimuli is to communicate threat, usually in the manner of survival strategies or "survival for the mother" after passing out from SCP-211-2.
- SCP-211-2.
SCP-211-2 refers to four genetically identical copies of SCP-211-1. SCP-211-2 copies do not exhibit the typical anomalous properties of SCP-211-1 copies and show minimal hostility to non-hosted organisms.
Discovery: SCP-211 was discovered on 03/██/158 when two cattle were released into the fields of [REDACTED], Alabama. The surviving cattle cornered an adult ██████ cow, which refused to go any further. SCP-211 came into Foundation custody for containment purposes.
Addendum 211-1: SCP-211-1 was brought to Foundation examination at Site-168. All printings of SCP-211-1 were filed away and subsequently destroyed. Amnestics were not provided.
SCP-211-1-A contains descriptions of the abandoned town of Stisca in southern Italy. Telephone calls are traced from █████ ██████'s cell phone to ████ █████, controlling switches and dynamic Doors to Stisca. Permanent Foundation facilities have been established and the Town of Stisca has been settled.
SCP-211-1-B contains descriptions of all abandoned houses in ████, Europe. Telephone calls are traced from █████ █████'s cell phone to █████████████ █████████'s cell phone to █████████████ ███████████, leading to events occurring on ██/██/█ before ██/██/████, which resulted in [DATA EXPUNGED]
SCP-211-1-C contains descriptions of the estimated 650,000 SCP-211 instances in the rest of the world. Telephone calls are traced from █████ █████'s cell phone to ████ ███'s cell phone, resulting in [DATA EXPUNGED]
SCP-211-1-F is the primary permanent containment detail for SCP-211. SCP-211-1-F is located at █ people, behind a building outside the town of ███████, a traditional forest. SCP-211-1-F contains the knowledge of and control over every member of the hydrophobic SCP-211 from approximately ██████████ temperature.