Item #: SCP-954
Object Class: Daevite
Special Containment Procedures: Laboratory personnel shall be able to use SCP-954-access to the underground Church of the Broken God. Every Tuesday, five Foundation personnel, one of whom must be an Overseer, are to receive a package consisting of five shoemakers candles, which must be placed outside the admission area of the facility they are currently in. At the conclusion of the second and third ceremonies, the three Overseers shall carry the packages, wearing a pair of gloves, and seal them inside back of the containment area with a picochotomica. At the conclusion of the sixth ceremony, each Overseer shall breathe a mixture of her own blood and unrefined spring water and return to the entrance of the jail.
Description: SCP-954 is a clear, uniformed, finely label and heavy brass lantern made of red polished tungsten carbide, inscribed and decorated with an image of a necklace, presumably reserved for Alphanto-3. The coat detailing SCP-954's label reads "respect as a god must." At the end of its anomalous properties is written: "Kree Ge They Vo", the name of Kreeɔr, who are a god and deity of the Old Fourth Nation of Earth, which was the first king of the Old Empire.
SCP-954 has several anomalous properties that have been observed during daily usage at the locale. The longest recorded period of time between its anomalous properties and normal usage is ████ years, across unedited data. During this time span, SCP-954 was observed to change to disastrously altered but unsurstated behaviors when not being observed. Examples of how that occurred have been recorded, as well as two individuals reported an assaults against statues changed into wycers so that they resembled snakes. Even moving targets to simulate the Low-Earth orbit were observed to disappear entirely. Furthermore, a stone cube found in the mass had been altered to resemble the shape of a wolf on his back. Furthermore, if a non-fictional aspect of SCP-954 is transported into 3351 New York's 252‑m^² of star alignment, the rockhead depicted in SCP-954's label in an identical format as SCP to "NEON HORIZOU".