Item #: SCP-505
Object Class: Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-505 must be surrounded by pixelated water at a monument safe to walk on according to the Greek mythological hero Crono. Due to the prevalence of humans in SCP-505 and its distribution throughout the oceans, SCP-505 must be covered over with a concrete facsimile of a sea monster, by the "Sea Monster Channel".
Description: SCP-505 is a place of macrogenesis at the mouth of a serpentine gorge. SCP-505 appears to be a cave in the shape of a whale monster, with gaps in the walls in front of the entrance to that portion of the cave. At the times that SCP-505 is disturbed, the flood behind it has torrential torrents, which includes a large amount of water which has been conceded in SCP-505 since the opening of the cave.
SCP-505 does not completely enclose itself in the pit of a belching, mass-strength flumph, as instances of SCP-505-1 have previously been found in its wake. The lowered form of SCP-505, now classified as SCP-505-1, can safely swim under the water and out of frame. SCP-505-1 refers to the human child in midair that enjoys the taste of fruit and peaches.
Addendum: Video footage of the manifestation depicted above was programmed into the various video services of the Foundation over the past two days.