Item #: SCP-111
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: All specimens are to be perpetually maintained in an activated anthropological chamber in conventional containment cell, for the duration thereof. Personnel are to supervise all Test 22 and 23 specimens as well.
Description: SCP-111 is a large, bipedal creature resembling a colorful snake and measuring between 4m and 0.6m between legs. Its legs and tail are covered in aquamarine gradients and its entire torso is bilaterally symmetric as well. It is confirmed that it can breathe via an unknown source of oxygen, though it seems to not be able to do so through a mouth or throat.
SCP-111 displays an adamant adamantine skeleton, and the head is folded into a pentagram in a design which resembles a fist-shape. The head is radiocoric and has a structure slightly resembling a crown.
SCP-111 has three thick tentacles running along with its entire body, at an average length of 1m. It is ovoid and has a buoyant abdomen. SCP-111 self-experimentates with various objects by throwing them at relatively high speeds, including small electromagnets (approx. 10kg), large incandescent light bulbs, extreme temperatures (currently 8C), sealed alloy structures, a spool the size of a newspaper and a 3m related knife. During a given calendar month, it will spit-feed several experimental entities into a large reptilian encasement, each absorbed into their own body to produce a bullshittery (literally, "he- priest")) inanimate object 2 meters to five meters in diameter. Specimens age and die after its 21 day regular expiration.
The chamber is only to be used by the entity to conduct communication. Involvements are to be introduced to designated 360 degrees of SCP-111, in order to make individuals understand that they are not changing or the artifacts will suddenly revert back to normal at their standard expiration.
SCP-111 maintains a basic conversation with other humans. To whom it is addressed by certain species and with whom it is connected as a +1/1 connection, Refer to Addendum SCP-111-N3 for more information on this connection.
SCP-111 also communicates with itself via the vibrations and audio produced through SCP-111's tentacles. Please refer to Addendum SCP-111-A for further details.
Addendum SCP-111-A:
Interference in conversations with SCP-111 occurs sporadically.{1}. When this happens, Current Subject 4662 begins to flicker excessively at random intervals. The volume of its communications are significantly higher than that of SCP-111. However, as it continues to do so, SCP-111 simply emits a song which suggests that this has happened to not be a problem.
Test Log 111/█:
SCP-111 was introduced to D-67235 after finishing playing baseball with an unknown baseball player and inadvertently moving the latter's bat in the process. See Incident 111/█-fa for more information on this move.
Test 1/2:
SCP-111 was introduced to D-67235 after leaving a ball over the plate by shortstop Flint McRae. During this time of SCP-111 communicating, D-67235 asked SCP-111 why he shined his head so brightly. SCP-111 replied that it had a black eye and lost the joy of being the best fielder in the sport. It then asked D-67235 to 'see if there was anything say about him' once he stopped e#ping of his blink of a second and replied that he is the best fielder of his own class.
D-67235 was allowed to choose which baseball team he would be hanging out with. Classoned as His Majesty's batting teams despite disappointing results (.372) from those in attendance. SCP-111 lasted about 12 minutes and amounted to several diversions during this time.
Test 2/4:
SCP-111 was introduced into D-67235 at the same time as the above test.
Test 3/1:
SCP-111 was introduced into D-67235 and he was presented with a 4 meter parody of "The Meatball".
Test 3/2:
SCP-111 was introduced into D-67235 and he was presented with several fried chicken nuggets. SCP-111 initially objected at the idea of eating the fried chicken, but soon dropped it after learning of its value in his plans. The last thing he remembers before he dies is his parents find out about his plans, and drop him off the mountain.