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Item #: SCP-2852

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: As SCP-2852 is unclassified and relatively safe, it is being transported by Air to Site ██, as per Transport Protocol ██.

Description: SCP-2852 is an old zinc table lamp which physically resembles a table lamp. SCP-2852 is anomalous in nature, and any human attempts to open the lid of SCP-2852 results in a reality-bending effect. Every time the wearer opens their mouth, a sound resembling a human being will enter the room through the mouth and scream in fear. This will only manifest if the person in the room opens their mouth while the humanoid figure is holding their hand.

Addendum 2852-1: On ██/██/2001, local authorities in [REDACTED], Kansas, seized SCP-2852 and boarded it to prevent further encounters with Foundation personnel. Over the course of █ to █ weeks, buildings near SCP-2852 were converted to homes devoid of any windows and telephone lines were constructed.

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