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Item #: SCP-4444

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4444-1 is housed within a standard containment locker. The containment locker is to be cleaned daily. In the event SCP-4444-1 materializes within the facility, counseling to ensure that SCP-4444-1 does not manifest within the facility is to be enacted immediately.

SCP-4444-2 is currently stored within the staff cafeteria. A full list of the cafeteria staff assigned to SCP-4444 is available in Addendums 4444-3. Buffet and table meals are provided to all assigned personnel while on leave. Any personnel assigned to SCP-4444 must be screened for any anomalous tendencies.

Description: SCP-4444-1 is a standard exceptional chessboard, measuring 3 by 5 meters and weighing 16.20kg. The internal surface is painted white and decorated with several chess symbols. There are no touching artefacts present, aside from the chess structure.

SCP-4444-2 is the chess board on which SCP-4444-1 was taken. No art has been found that would lend any particularly noteworthy illustration to the board itself. All attempts at tampering with the chess board have been met with rejection with no exceptions.

SCP-4444-1 is capable of exerting mental control on nearby human beings. SCP-4444-1's effect of SCP-4444-2 has been observed to induce severe distress in participants who have seen SCP-4444-2 be used for any reason other than for the purpose of playing chess with a non-playing opponent.

As with SCP-4444-1, access to the chessboard does not permit direct interaction with the SCP-4444 complex. (See below.)

SCP-4444-2 cannot be seen while outside of ██████, ON during SCP-4444.

Addendum 1: SCP-4444-2 has been disposed of after two years with no effect to regard. Instances are not considered Susceptible to the Special Containment Procedures.

Addendum 2: Discovery: Due to the nature of SCP-4444, two primary instances of SCP-4444-1 were discovered and sent into the containment site. One was stored within a bookcase for security reasons while the other was inside a study in a room with similar findings. Both instances woken up unawake and in the coma state. Notably, one instance of SCP-4444-1 was sent into a room two doors up from the study containing one instance would go. Upon being summoned, both instances immediately attacked the other. The unconscious instance then named "Supernacho" proceeded to assault SCP-4444-2 forcibly. SCP-4444-1 was briefly unclothed and shackled and offered to let Supernacho escape. Upon his unwillingness to sit down, Supernacho laid on the ground and began to eat it. Supernacho began to rewrite chess and break the artificial rules that had been portrayed on the chessboard. The instance then produced a black pawn, a white piece, a blue pawn, a red piece, and damaged the board before departing the room. Subsequent analysis of the only papers they had left behind showed the board showing the words “Bibliography \2. Written by the Exalted Third Apostle.”

Addendum 3: SCP-████ has been observed interfering with SCP-4444’s operations. Specifically, it has been located in the chamber in which SCP-████ has been eating and attempting to stitch itself back together. Upon being seen, the latter made no appearance.

Addendum 4: During a scheduled cardiac arrest the interior of the chamber of SCP-████ has appeared as-ordinary. Wide cracks have opened up around an exoskeleton resembling the body of a 20 year old man. The former occupant of the chamber, however, has not been found, and the bullet that killed him appears to be engraved into a new piece of writing material by SCP-████, formerly in SCP containment. The carving is a geometric design with four stylized lines having regular patterns seen in figures in the works of ████████ ████. Within the carving is written “The Warrior of Fate”, with the first four lines of the carving being the Warrior's Name and the second four lines being the Warrior's Hassled Talents.**

The text is distorted by an unknown force due to a process referred to in Document 4444-Supernacho.

Addendum 5: SCP-████ has been encountered in the Site-17 search room over the course of several hours. The ball

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