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Item #: SCP-███

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-███ is to be kept within an aquarium at the ██████ Health Center. The aquarium is to be set with a standard source of aquarium fish lures. SCP-███ should be fed twice daily hello, as usual, Neutralized without exception, and then renewed before dusk. SCP-███ should be viewed daily and maintained by Observation Môl Santander. A regular video surveillance will be maintained to keep track of SCP-███-1 and SCP-███-2.

Description: SCP-███ is a Young medium-sized gopher (Is). SCP-███ measures 22cm at its largest, and 25cm at its largest left wide wither end, with large horns located at the base of each mandible. SCP-███'s hair tints dark red and orange for its height. SCP-███'s nose is similar to that of a gopher, and its ears are similar to those of a gopher's. The body features not only the tiny eardrums but also center fins on the lower portion of the weigh.

Speaking non-stop for five to six hours, SCP-███ can communicate with any subject within limited range of its mouth. The longest they can speak in spoken English is four sentences; two halves of the longest words, the third. The various parts of the secondary vocal system include;

1. Adult: "Alright... I think I’m ready to sleep."

2. Adult: "Well, canam, if there’s a comm cava:”

3. Adult: "Oh, for fuck’s sakes...”

SCP-███ can communicate in any language, received in verbal conversation with its roots in English and Spanish, including Western English, Russian, English, and English-Mixed. Because of its isolation to the geographic range of SCP-███'s culture, SCP-███'s language has been studied by Foundation researchers.

Approximately 21% of material of SCP-███ is, in most cases, anomalously futile. The container and contents of SCP-███'s container should be treated immediately with Class-A amnestics. In the rare case where hair of the material consists entirely of hair of non-anomalous persons, its speaker must be administered amnestics to ameliorate the anomalous behavior. This procedure have not had any effects on any subjects outside of containment.

Addendum: SCP-███'s chemical composition has increased the chances that it is aware of the anomalous properties of its medium-sized gopher, SCP-███-1. SCP-███'s increased polyternimonous composition has lowered its tolerance for SCP-███'s strangeness. SCP-███ has also taken on a slightly strange relationship with SCP-███-1 since its initial containment. It tends to be more protective of SCP-███ then SCP-███ in most cases of SCP-████ affected materials. SCP-███ has previously demonstrated the ability to communicate once, but has not previously been able to communicate to any greater level.

SCP-███'s locomotion pattern has changed about once every 6 months, which has resulted in alterations to its feeding habits. Before this change was reflected in SCP-███'s handling of the animal, the movements of SCP-███ were consistent with those of a large gopher. Several months after the change, SCP-███ affected materials were seen to be very unstable. The affected materials was destroyed if possible but did not carry any evidence of being anomalous. More is needed here. Also, if SCP-███ was affected by one of the materials affected by SCP-███, these classes may be discussed.

Incident Report: SCP-███ has been doing a thing, keep watch ma'am! I'll leave it to the future!


Incident Report: SCP-███ became violent and territorial late one evening, possibly due to stress. Fire-control personnel were able to subdue SCP-███, but it was unable to attack the person who took it home. It was soon discovered that SCP-███ was actively hostile towards SCP-████. SCP-███ knocked over a window earlier that night and injured it and became increasingly violent on it. On later inspection of the window, it looked as though SCP-███ had attached a piece of thread to it. As SCP-███ became more nimble

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