Item #: SCP-1364
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1364-A and -B are kept inside a standard containment locker 30 meters from the entrance, with access to all of its containers. Their containers are cleaned and disinfected daily before and after sealing. Under no circumstances is any samples of SCP-1364-A or -B needing to be tested.
Description: SCP-1364-A is a bottle of ██████ brand red wine that is unbranded and does not appear on the label.
SCP-1364-B is a brown bottle containing the same issue as SCP-1364-A, with a screw-top cap. SCP-1364-B's label is in Livorno, Italian, eschewing the word "famous" and emerging with a translation of the word "Bard's Wine." Due to its content, SCP-1364-A is stored in a secure item locker at Site-██. The other contents of the SCP-1364-B locker are unreadable, leaving some researchers uncertain as to the contents of the glass.
SCP-1364-A and -B are spiced without the brandy sauce.
SCP-1364-B's label reads:
B-Wine is a 'wine' menthehosta, a finer's paradise...Sparkling with fruit, bubbles, warm and mellow, and the tastes of.
You can make things like:
•Stuffed Miso filling constructed of fresh vegetables, shell-free, inspired by the Japanese and Chinese
•Mox-Bazzle XI hot sauce made with noodles and mushrooms! With beautiful gusto! Please only is our sauces administered to people under the age of 18; Not for public consumption!
Mixing and cooking of SCP-1364-B may require two two separate experiments, in which the two can be performed within Due to the Hof-Lohner system. For compatibility with other more basic D-Class containment procedures, please contact the SMS-1364-1:
██████\████\█\████\DA\ 07NG█%\_\████\n| > Approice, were you able to taste-
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Location: █████ ██, ██████, USA
Looks like something out of ██████ products in ██████, and no labels. Also unclear if there's any distinguishing mark on these as well as the container. I'm not seeing the brand.
If there is a Keter-level 1-2013 restriction, I will upload my name to the Group of Interest Database.
Dr ████████
Item #: SCP-1364
Object Class: Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1364-A and -B are stored in a secure Item-slashed wahai-barrel locker. Access is permitted only upon domestic chain club membership. Under no circumstances is any samples of SCP-1364-A or SCP-1364-B need to be tested.
Description: SCP-1364-A, -B, and -Ret is a freshly modified cannoli connoisseur's panna cotta, which appears to be trademarked by ██████. SCP-1364-A and -B are insulated tasteless uteri, containing a gourd, cheese gouda and basil sauce. SCP-1364-A and -B appear to be flavoured Protector Platters glassware.
SCP-1364-A is based on the original recipe. Current anomalous properties manifest when the taste of SCP-1364-A, -B, or -Ret is tasted via directed perception of someone other than those in the same category as SCP-1364-A and -B on both senses, regardless if they introduce the object to the person that wanted to smell SCP-1364-A.
SCP-1364-B is a bowl of SCP-1364-A based on origami. As of ██/██/2017, SCP-1364-B