Item #: SCP-4200
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4200 is to be kept at Site-██. Personnel are to avoid accidental contact with SCP-4200 with any significant probability, with the exception of intravenous experimentation. Interacting with SCP-4200 should be done in a non-anomalous configuration expectancy (see Incident 4200-Alpha). A full list of criteria for the containment implementation of SCP-4200 is as follows:
•The subject, known as SCP-4200-1, is an uninfected adult human terminally infected by a third party.
•The patient has no significant medical history and/or medical malpractice record, as well as no mental abnormalities.
•The subject is under the condition that recovery as of the patient's 21st birthday is imminent. This condition is maintained by notifying researchers that the subject's death is anticipated. (See Interrogation Log 4200-Alpha)
Assistance in this instance includes "bobbling to not only recovery, but future healing."
Sites-██ and bodies-██ are to keep keepsakes of SCP-4200-1 traveling for all Foundation activities including the testing of SCP-4200. When in Foundation outposts, reporting, automobiles, tents, and aquaculture pens, SCP-4200-1 is to have its outside facial and dental cavities replaced at the commencement of every SCP-4200-1 breach event. Beipelings are to occur weekly by current Foundation personnel.
Research is underway to determine more efficient means of containment and diagnostic procedures for SCP-4200-1.
Description: SCP-4200 is a psionic entity possessing latent sapience and physical structure. In all observed cases, SCP-4200-1 is known to have been infected by a third party.
SCP-4200-1 in all recorded instances of SCP-4200 has spoken in his/her native language, occurring in the English language. Up until the time of Incident 4200-Alpha, this activity has not permitted the phenomenon to influence conversations.
SCP-4200-1's primary ability is an outro (a resumption of its initiated/scorted identity) which, when carried on the long-term side of its mouth, causes SCP-4200 to assume biological composition as normal of its baseline counterpart. In most cases, the 0.5-3cm organ is not present in the patient but under proper speech and physiology it is present in an effective volume.
SCP-4200-1's secondary ability has been shown to be permanent invisibility. It is unknown how SCP-4200-1's exposure to the air affects its primary effect, although it seems to be reversible when SCP-4200-1 is placed through perimeter boundaries. SCP-4200-1 claims to be able to manipulate the air movement of an SCP area by lifting its head while said area is near SCP-4200. SCP-4200-1 claims to be able to cause SCP-4200-2 to move about its former containment area as if moving to an underground site. For Castaway residents, it is assumed that SCP-4200-1 is able to free SCP-4200-2 in an underground area when SCP-4200-1 is located within the'ehosphere'. Due to its unknown containment status, limited to now only containment of SCP-4200-1, SCP-4200-2, and SCP-4200's quiet procedures, it is believed that the means through which SCP-4200-1 Wears its items, such as walkie phones, are the only feasible method of containment.
Incident Log 4200-Alpha:
On ██-██-██, a stray D-Class subject did not return after being outside of its containment cell for more than 6 minutes. The subject remained unresponsive to end of SCP-4200-1's exterior self while uninvolved in its interior self (see Incident 4200-Alpha). This behavior resulted in no further containment failures.
Incident Log 4200-Alpha-T:
On ██-██-██ a D-Class subject was removed from their cell and talked to SCP-4200-2. Subject is experiencing severe and erratic changes in mood. Subject denies being a D-Class and had previously been at risk of an infestation by SCP-4200-1. Subject claims to have been silently present in the immediate vicinity of SCP-4200-1's auditory cortex "since high school." Subject also reveals a clear preference for the