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Item #: SCP-111

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-111 is currently contained within Site-██. Any personnel attempting to access SCP-111 without clearance will be subject to reprimand, with no administration action required. All experimentation conducted on SCP-111 is restricted to non-Foundation personnel and is not permitted outside of approved testing protocols. SCP-111 is to be kept at Site-██. Only one application of saline solution to an individual or cluster of cells is permitted (S.A.O.U. 20171-1) per day, with the volume of SCP-111 activated to a specific volume.

As of ██/██/████, SCP-111 is to be contained at a Constant-Scale-2 (CS-2) humanoid containment unit located beneath SCP-111. SCP-111 is to be immobilized with a standard containment unit on-site. SCP-111 is to be monitored via multiple means, including live-feed monitoring, state-of-the-art soundproofing and aerial observation. SCP-111 is to be washed every two weeks. At the conclusion of this period and until all of the current testing is completed, the containment unit is to be sealed with a standard-of-care framework with a single-door section for adherence.

All research team members in the Foundation are to be briefed on SCP-111 as well as "reliable" media monitoring. The following protocol has been established to implement this reportable SCP-111 containment report:

•Site Director O5-█ conducts original discovery;

•Site Director O5-██ conducts initial containment;

•Under supervision of O5-█, Dr. D████, research director of SCP-███, conducts the initial testing process.

Description of D-class in storage


Name: D-2123-Black

Date of Testing: ██/██/████

Test Material: -

Description of test:

•Three-way tapestry

•Two-way tapestry

•D-class striped tissue

•Paper, pencil and marker

•Electron microscope


•D-class selected from fingertip




•D-class tested

Results: "Cross-testing multiple tunable tuners..."

• "Paperweight"

•D-class selected from fingertip


•D-class affected

•D-class disabled

•D-class switched on

•D-class disabled

•D-class switched on

•D-class left on

•D-class switched off

•D-class on

•D-class disabled

•D-class switched off

•D-class disabled

•D-class on

•D-class disabled

•D-class on

•D-class on

•D-class on

•D-class on

•D-class on

•D-class on

•D-class on

•D-class on

•D-class on

•D-class on

•D-class on


Notes: I'm just not interested in those things. They all seem like they're getting easier to get rid of, but still.

Additional testing

SCP-███, however, requires a supplement when necessary. For the purposes of her containment, a D-class with a link to SCP-███, do not require the "reliable" level.

Addendum 111.1: Testing

If, at any point, D-2123-Black is affected by SCP-███, she must be tested.

Experiment 111-7


Test Materials:

•Three-way tapestry

•Paper, pencil and marker

•Electron microscope

•Gov. image

•D-class striped tissue


•D-class listed from fingertip

•D-class selected from fingertip

•D-class on

Results: "At the high level, all the experiments on it seem pretty useless. I still believe the efficiency rating I got from the Gator is probably an average for a 4-way tapestry. If you've got the papers and the paperweight, I'm sure you can get close to the numbers."


•D-class removed from fingertip

•D-class removed from fingertip

•D-class removed from fingertip







Notes: "I'm still not sure if I want to be able to use this as a means

page revision: 1, last edited: 2019-05-14 12:54:20.928531
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