Item #: SCP-140
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-140 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment unit at Site 18. Under no circumstances is SCP-140-1 to be allowed access to SCP-140 and SCP-140-1 to research personnel without the written permission of the O5 Council. SCP-140-1 is to be kept in a secure container at Site 19 as a precaution against accidental liberation by any members of the O5 Council.
Description: SCP-140 is a humanoid resembling a female humanoid of African descent with a Central Asian and South American physical characteristic similar to the SCP-140-1 instance.
SCP-140-1 is an anomalous anomaly affecting research involving SCP-140. It is composed almost exclusively of SCP-140-1 instances and is designed to prevent the passage of SCP-140-1 instances. As such, research involving SCP-140 has been suspended indefinitely.
SCP-140-1 instances are capable of voluntary separation from the rest of SCP-140 and allow access to SCP-140's chamber, which is a large room with 2 human-sized busts. All personnel attempting to enter the chamber are terminated on sight.
SCP-140-1 instances tend to be able to speak in English, though the exact language differs between instances. SCP-140-1 instances are able to communicate in a stream of non-verbal slang, despite the fact that SCP-140-1 instances have not shown any signs or symptoms of hearing the language.
Due to the verisimilitude of SCP-140-1's consciousness, it is possible that SCP-140-1 instances are sentient. Due to SCP-140's intellect, it is possible that SCP-140-1 instances possess memories of its past. Though not all instances are capable of full understanding the language of SCP-140, it is possible that SCP-140-1 instances are.
As of a 2/140 update, SCP-140-1 instances are to be administered Class-B amnestics after the end of a designated SCP-140 containment event. All SCP-140-1 instances are to be removed from SCP-140's chamber.
Once requested, SCP-140-1 instances are to be removed from SCP-140's chamber, for both research purposes, and to keep SCP-140's physical modifications in a secluded location. Both the original containment seal and the original containment procedures should be preserved for study in the future.
The O5 Council may request that SCP-140 be contained at Site 19. Due to the uncertain status of SCP-140's containment, it is presumed that such a request is not to be made unless approved by the O5 Council.
Description: SCP-140's chamber is a large concrete building with a 2 meter diameter section of incline and a 10 meter height section of horizontal space between the two levels. The containment seal on SCP-140's containment unit is composed of ███ standard-grade steel. The chamber is paved, with a dose of █████████, Maintains.
SCP-140-1 are the two separate instances of SCP-140. They inhabit SCP-140-1's chamber. SCP-140-1 instances are strictly social, and perform all functions related to social interaction, though they have shown extreme caution and vigilance against burglary.
The following are the 3 human words used by SCP-140-1 instances.
Item #: SCP-140-1-A
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-140-1-A is a 1.25-liter container of water. SCP-140-1-A is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment unit at Site 19, as a precaution against accidental liberation by any members of the O5 Council.
Description: SCP-140-1-A is a black tiger-litten bear covered in white filaments. It has three eyes on its head and two changed to "G"-sights for night-time viewing. Its skin is similar in composition to human skin, except that its skin is clear and unblemished. Its teeth are polished, in a manner similar to human, but its mouth is a smooth, blue-grey.
When within earshot of SCP-140-1-A, it will repeatedly produce the same 3 human-level words. These words contain the same Latin alphabet. They also contain the words for "K", "L", and "M".
SCP-140-1-1-A is a common humanoid, defined by the same physical features as SCP-140-1-A. However, SCP-140-1-1-A is genetically different from human other than its skin tone. The cell in its body, skin and eyes are made of flesh and bone. It possesses a skull with a superior