Item #: SCP-028
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-028 is to be held in a standard Safe-class facility with a normal-sized containment room, three stocked Safes and a monitor room. In the event of containment breach, personnel with Level 2 security clearance may release SCP-028 to a specially equipped Containment Chamber 2 with Level 3 Confidentiality Protocols.
SCP-028 must be restrained personally at Site-38 until it can be tested for anomalous properties and deemed a success.
Description: SCP-028 is a 6-year-old unlicensed lab technician, currently housed at Site-38 in a CP-44B-controlled lab. It has never been observed to exhibit any anomalous properties. When placed within a holding cell, SCP-028 begins to produce a number of anomalous effects. These effects include:
•"uncontained" anomalous effects equal to the number of times the subject is held within SCP-028.
•"uncontained" anomalous effects that have no effect on the subject.
•"uncontained" anomalous effects whose effects begin to fade over time.
•"uncontained" anomalous effects that have no effect on the subject's body.
As of ██/██/20██, SCP-028 is a failure to comply with Secure Locker Protocol 6, which mandates containment of 800 or more items per day.
SCP-028 has been observed to produce anomalous effects in people, which may increase in significance as the number of items that SCP-028 has become aware of increases.
Autopsy has confirmed that SCP-028 is sterile. A surgical incision has been made into SCP-028's orbital bone, allowing the removal of samples of SCP-028's Gears. The Gears are normally found embedded in the spine and tendons of the spine. Upon removal, they rupture and release SCP-028, which can then be activated to free 84 of its keys. The repair process is made easier when SCP-028 is contained in an OSU-controlled Safe-class containment chamber.
Test Log 28-A:
Test 28-B:
Location: Scheduled Testing Area
SCP-028 is placed in a Special Stabilization Site and placed in a standard Safe-class containment chamber. A 20-person team with Level-1 (P) security clearance is to stand guard as a containment team.
Procedure: Subject is instructed to move within a static radius of 30 meters of SCP-028.
Result: Subject does not respond.
Procedure: Subject is instructed to move in a static radius of 30 meters of SCP-028.
Results: Subject appears to take it without complaint.
Procedure: Subject is instructed to make a mental note of the location of SCP-028.
Result: Subject wakes up immediately, then returns to its bed.
Within the next 6 hours, the subject has generated a number of ██ similar notes, which have all been translated into different languages and made their meanings known. The following notes are the most detailed and accurate of these:
•"There is no need to worry about what is safe or not. There is a Safe-class containment facility here, now that I have peace of mind. I have no other security clearance, so only I and my family live here. No worries we don't fall."
•"After all… lets get that together."
•"It was only a question. I don't think I would die that night. Would it be better for me? I'm sorry. I have no choice in my fate, but I will. I am just a boy. I can't give up this life."
•"By tonight, you will be living in my room for the rest of your life. I am worried about you. I can't know what will happen to you if you give up on yourself, but I will do my best to make that a better life."
•"I will never have to worry about what is safe or not. I have peace of mind, and no fears. I am just a man. I can't give up this life."
•"I can be alone with this life. I'm sorry I have to keep you here. I can't let you go. I am sorry you have to worry about what is safe or not. Don't worry about what I is afraid of. Let me keep you safe. I don't care if they hate you."
•"There is no need to worry about what is safe or not. There is a Safe-class containment facility here, now that I have peace of mind. I have no other security clearance, so only I and my family live here. No worries will ever be made or