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Item #: SCP-375

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-375 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell at Site 18. In the event of SCP-375's awakening or deterioration, Dr. ██████ is to be notified, and SCP-375 is to be treated as a Class-D personnel for the duration of its containment. SCP-375 is to receive four meals taken at a time over the course of its containment.

Description: SCP-375 is a 43-year-old Caucasian male named █████ ████ ██████. It wears a standard humanoid Foundation cover, although it does not have any neck hair on its body. SCP-375 also wears a standard Foundation-issue spartan jacket and boots. It does not appear to be affected by SCP-375's anomalous properties, unlike some other Foundation personnel.

SCP-375 suddenly becomes distressed whenever it is thought to fall. This usually lasts for 2-3 minutes, at which point it will begin to scroll for roughly a minute before calming down enough to formulate a plan.

SCP-375 has claimed to be on autopilot. It has stated that it was unable to think and will end up having a disorderly day.

SCP-375 will begin to make mistakes. When given a suggestion to follow, SCP-375 will not follow it. This is only shown when a recommendation is given to SCP-375. This usually lasts for 1 to 4 hours.

SCP-375 is capable of healing any injuries that it has suffered from its fall and will not take the hit, allowing for a full recovery.

SCP-375 does not initially seem to notice making mistakes, although it can usually act well within it constraints.

SCP-375 was found sleeping on the property of ████████ ██████ ████████████, a ███████ park. The properties surrounding the park were listed as abandoned, as it had been reported in local news that there were a number of armed robberies happening on-site. SCP-375 was found asleep under a bench in a room designated as storage.

SCP-375 was found under a dining table in the office of ████████ ████████ █████, a veterinary clinic in ████████. SCP-375 took the meal provided, with no sign of illness. SCP-375 was admitted into a study containment room, rendered inert, and given food. Access to this chamber must be patrolled annually by Level 2 personnel. SCP-375 was still asleep, presumably resting.

SCP-375 was then discovered in Site 19's kitchen, and was secured for Biological Analysis.

Addendum 375-01: SCP-375 Incident Report

Addendum 375-02: Interview Log

Interview 385-1

Interview 385-1

Interview conducted by Dr. ██████

Interview conducted by Dr. ████

Interview conducted by Dr. ██████

Interview conducted by Dr. █████

Interview conducted by Doctor ██████

Interview conducted by Researcher █████

Interview conducted by Dr. █████

Interview conducted by other researchers

Interview conducted by SCP-375

Interview conducted by Dr. ██████

Interview conducted by Dr. ███████

Interview conducted by Dr. ███████

Interview conducted by Dr. ███████

Interview conducted by [DATA EXPUNGED]

Interview conducted by SCP-375

Interview conducted by Dr. ███████

Interview conducted by Dr. █████

Interview conducted by Dr. ███████

Interview conducted by Dr. ███████

Interview conducted by Dr. ███████

Interview conducted in the fiftieth year of SCP-375's containment

Interview conducted in the fiftieth year of its containment

Interview conducted in the fiftieth year of SCP-375's containment

Interview conducted in the fiftieth year of its containment

Interview conducted in the fiftieth year of SCP-375's containment

Interview conducted in the fiftieth year of its containment

Interview conducted in the fiftieth year of its containment

Interview conducted in the fiftieth year of its containment

Interview conducted in the fiftieth year of its containment

Interview conducted in the fifth year of its containment

Interview conducted in the fifth year of its containment

Interview conducted in the fifth year of its containment

Interview conducted in the fifth year of its containment

Interview conducted in the fifth year of its containment

Interview conducted in the fifth year of its containment

Interview conducted in the fifth year of its containment

Interview conducted in the fifth year of its containment


1. A recently created user-friendly script language.

2. A popular memetic agent.

3. An antagonistic member of the House of Leaves (Capra aegagrus caballus) family.

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