Item #: SCP-397
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: The southernmost part of SCP-397 has been secured to the south-most control center of Site-117, while the northernmost area has been left to the southwest control center of Site-117.
Interactions with SCP-397 are to be recorded and tracked, and are to be tracked and monitored on paper to prevent further incidents. During the time when SCP-397 is approached, the wallpaper of SCP-397's containment cell is to be replaced with familiar pictures, and a security system is to be switched on.
Description: SCP-397 is a small black wooden house constructed of stone, installed in a walkway at the side of a forest. SCP-397 is capable of existing for any time of day in any direction, and may appear to anything it is in contact with. Any person who enters SCP-397 will find personal belongings inside.
SCP-397 is located in the site of a workshop in ██████, Washington, constructed to contain the prototype of the █████ ████ █████ brand mattress. This furniture is to be stored in a large room with a bed. Personnel with the right credentials are to be allowed to enter SCP-397 at any time, with Level-3 clearance.
SCP-397 is not currently observed.
Addendum 1:
Every few years, SCP-397 will appear to be touched by someone else. This phenomenon is triggered when SCP-397 is outside of habit due to the effects of a full moon. All persons near SCP-397 are to describe it as being "warm". Testing of the effects of one person touching SCP-397 shows the output of the affected subject as becoming "warm", and they recount their initial reaction.
Personnel will attempt to leave SCP-397 when they encounter it. Subjects of a variety of demographics and cognitive capacities will describe it as being "warm", and the objects removed from the room will remain at a constant temperature. When SCP-397 is contained, the temperature of the room that SCP-397 is in will become unusually warm. When objects have come in contact with SCP-397, subjects will deem them to be "warm" and will slowly try to move inside. All objects that have undergone such a reaction will remain in a state of "homicidal exuberance". This state quickly dissipates when SCP-397 is removed from its location.
This effect (and any other effects it produces) is transmitted to other objects, and other persons (hereby referred to as SCP-397-1). These effects manifest without any apparent input from the "owner".
SCP-397-1 will respond to any stimuli, either by describing the object as being "warm", or some other word, stating that it is "warm". SCP-397-1 will then act as if the object is being "warm" or "warm", and will begin to further describe the object, stating "warm" before reverting to its original state.
Anyone attempting to transition objects from SCP-397 to a different object will experience the effects of the "warm" state. See Experiment Log N3-018 for further information.
Addendum 2:
An inexplicably large number of the most accurate and the most reliable photographs of SCP-397 were destroyed by SCP-397 during Experiment V8. Autopsy of them showed the damage to the object to be caused by a large number of people moving entry and entryways into the room, and some exhibiting the effects of SCP-397.
Experiment Log N1-012: Photos of SCP-397 and recovered photographs of SCP-397
Test Log N1-012-A: Photos of SCP-397 and recovered personnel of Level 5 clearance or above
Test Log N1-012-B: Photos of SCP-397 and recovered personnel of Level 6 clearance or above
Test Log N1-012-C: Photos of SCP-397 and recovered personnel of Level 7 clearance or above
Test Log N1-012-D: Photos of SCP-397 and recovered personnel of Level 8 clearance or above
Test Log N1-012-E: Photos of SCP-397 and recovered personnel of Level 10 clearance or above
Test Log N1-012-F: Photos of SCP-397 and recovered personnel of Level 12 clearance or above
Test Log N1-012-G: Photos of SCP-397 and recovered personnel of Level 14 clearance or above
Test Log N1-012-H: Photos of SCP-397 and recovered personnel of Level 16 clearance or above
Test Log N1-012-I: Photos of SCP-397 and recovered personnel of Level 17 clearance or above
Test Log N1-012-J: Photos of SCP-397 and recovered personnel of Level 18 clearance or above
Test Log N1-012