Item #: SCP-004
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-004 is to be contained in a standard containment locker. When SCP-004 is unlocked, one (1) standard note pad should be kept on the counter on the unit in which SCP-004 is to be kept.
Description: SCP-004 is a standard grey leather notebook, printed on light white paper, measuring 5cm x 17cm x 5cm. It has no anomalous properties.
Subjects who open SCP-004 exhibit symptoms consistent with acute stress) during the two week period following opening and close of SCP-004. The symptoms associated with acute stress, including confusion, loss of balance, headache, difficulty communicating, and brain damage, appear as a sudden, violent, debilitating headache lasting between five and twelve hours, leading to the loss of conscious control over the shoulders. The sufferer loses the use of and all use of all limbs now possessed by their arms, wrists, knees, ankles, and lower back. The electrical interference from the brain and spinal cord causes unpredictable movements to be made, resulting in involuntary movements of any type, and sometimes of unknown origin, when physically and subconsciously the affected individual attempts to move or move the affected limbs. It is theorized that this phenomenon is a form of memetic inactivity.
Persons whose limbs are seized are unable to use their own limbs. They will only use any available limb of the affected limb. The subject will then be unable to use the affected limb when it has been so obstructed by other subjects, such as the affected individual's brain. •
Possible Method of Open Aspects of SCP-004
Opening SCP-004 requires:
•1) A physical access to the tablet, and
•2) A conscious access to the tablet.
Methods of Singling Out SCP-004
Any persons who wish to open SCP-004 need to have the device open for one (1) hour. Those wishing to access SCP-004 will have to have their arms free and the tablet closed, and then put their hand through or grasp the tablet with their thumb.
Access to SCP-004 will be granted as a favor or talent, for the following reasons:
•The subject's arms are the only ways the tablet can be opened, and must be worn while performing their normal tasks.
•The tablet itself is capable of writing, and the person who opens SCP-004 must have the tablet open.
•The tablet itself must be visible from the arm area.
Access Not Granted
Access denied.
If the tablet itself is not visible from an arm or leg, or if necessary, all persons attempting to access SCP-004 should wear it over their other arm or leg or tie or cinch the tablet closed.
If the tablet itself does not have the device open, the person who wears the tablet should hold the tablet closed, and hold their arms in their other arm, and let it spin.
Once the tablet has spun for 60 seconds, the person who wore it will experience a mild temporary neurological alteration (see Experiment D-4). The affected individual should make no attempt to move, stand, or breathe while standing or on the ground.
If not grasped, the tablet will stay closed, displaying the text SCP-004-1.
Previous Experiment D-4
Experiment D-4
Experimented: D-4
Procedure: D-4 requested to open SCP-004-1 and let it display the text file SCP-004-1. He also asked to put the tablet and the report card into a desk in their office.
Assigned to the individual as above. D-4's Report Card received.
Experiment D-4-2
Experiment D-4-2
Experimented: D-4
Procedure: D-4 told to open SCP-004-1 and bring the tablet up to their face.
Assigned to: D-4
Experimented: D-4 with the tablet on their face. They are told to classify the tablet as a "pearl".
Assigned to: D-4
Experiment D-4-2-3
Experiment D-4-2-3
Experiment D-4-2-3
Experiment D-4-2-3
Experiment D-4-2-3
Experiment D-4-2-3
Experiment D-4-2-3
Experiment D-4-2-3
Assigned to: D-4
Experiment D-4-2-3-4
Experiment D-4-2-3-4
Experiment D-4