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Item #: SCP-620

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-620 is kept closed and locked by its own design, in preparation that it will not be used for any other purpose than that of containing the object. Access to the object is permitted for testing and testing purposes.

SCP-620-A is kept in a secure location separated from SCP-620-B.

Description: SCP-620 is a wooden barrel of unknown date and origin. The barrel itself lacks any visible markings, including the date and year. SCP-620 is somehow constructed out of wooden pulp and is approximately two meters in length. SCP-620 is filled by writing instruments.

Humans who consume any form of SCP-620 report hearing a sound on the first mind-affecting interaction. The frequency of the sound has decreased to almost nothing, however, the effect of this is not believed to be permanent. The sound has not been recognized as a threat by any other living human.

How fast can it damage the human mind? No one is immune once the sound SCP-620-A is heard.

SCP-620-A is instantly transferred from the mouth of SCP-620-B and can only be heard through the speakers of SCP-620-A. When a human's mind-affecting ability has been fully adopted, the sound will not repeat, eliminating the sound.

When SCP-620-B is closed, the sound will remain in one ear and replaced by writing instruments.

The sound will only be audible to a sentient being unless they are bonded to SCP-620-A. When the sound sounds to an animal, all animals in the immediate area would hear the sound.

It is unknown if the sound is composed of speech, and when speech sounds to a human person, all humans in the immediate area of effect hear the sound.

Addendum 620-A: To the best of our knowledge, SCP-620-A is made of wood pulp, and is considered an non-anomalous item. SCP-620-A was already contained by D-class personnel at 02103; however, it was designed to resemble a typewriter with a needle and paperclip.

The typewriter is built using reinforced 1m wooden chitin. Guards are present to prevent accidental introduction of unauthorized personnel into the enclosure.

Addendum 620-B: To this date, SCP-620-B has no exterior effect.

Addendum 620-C: Following the predictable response of the sound, a sound resembling a Dark-Ringed Owl (Apteryx caterpillar) was discovered. The following is a transcript of the fur-covered owl's cry. Translated from the language used by the sound.

fluidicidic breath producible levitation oviparous w/ non-friction


Less than












Note: Sounds heard by SCP-620-B always repeat the same lines, regardless of the speakers current location.

Note: Sound will not repeat, nor is there a standard backstory tying into SCP-620-B's origin.

Addendum 620-D: To date, no one has been able to approach SCP-620-B directly and receive the sound.

Addendum 620-E: Nemeants have been reported to consume SCP-620-A like syrups.

Addendum 620-F: The following is written in the original language of SCP-620-B. Refining reports that have been transmitted to SCP-620-A show the opposite of its natural effects.

I see. I see.

You're familiar, but not at all familiar.

I see.

What do you mean?

I see.

Where did it come from?

I see.

Where did it come from?

I see.

Oh, please.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I was beginning to sense the insidiousness.

I forget.

I dreamed.

I dreamed.

I dream.

I dreamed.

I dreamed.

I dream.

And I forget.

You bring me here.

I bring you here.

I bring you here.

I bring you here.

I bring you here.

I bring you here.

I bring you here.

I bring you here.

I bring you here.

I bring you here.

I bring you here.

I bring you here.

I bring you here.

page revision: 1, last edited: 2019-05-14 12:54:21.906661
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