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Item #: SCP-689

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: The ceiling of SCP-689 is to be wind-proofed against all external forces, including external blast-firing devices. Any power outlet deemed to originate from SCP-689 is to be permanently either turned off or turned on by no fewer than two personnel when not in use for testing. Access to SCP-689 during testing must be logged and checked before being granted.

Description: SCP-689 is an anomalous, crystalline, metallic ichor that cannot be simply placed in a glass container or any other receptacle, and instead forms a complex mesh-like pattern composed of a coating of various organic materials. The coatings cause the coatings' effects to manifest when a human perceives them.

If the human is able to penetrate the coating, the effect will only manifest when the human touches the coatings directly. SCP-689 begins to effect upon the human once the human leaves the system while the coatings quickly dissipate into touch.

Addendum: SCP-689 can also initiate its effects using more than one human sample at once. The experimentation log is available in Addendum 789-1.

Addendum: When constructed from the materials collected above, SCP-689 acts as a presumed omniscient, intelligent door to the left side of the office (designated "auditory chamber" to the subject) of the containment chamber (designated "containment box" to the subject). SCP-689 allows the subject into the containment chamber. All tests involving SCP-689 provide a satisfactory margin of safety, but at a risk of some danger.

SCP-689's anomalous effects first started to manifest during the event of ██-██-████ when SCP-689 manifested in the center of SCP-689's containment chamber and was pried open by a number of SCP-689-1 instances. The containment chamber's internal temperature was increased to over 3,000 degrees Celsius. The resulting hyperthermia caused a major breach of containment, resulting in the loss of ██ SCP-689-1 instances and ██ additional personnel. It was assumed that SCP-689-1 was terminated through use of power, but this is uncertain.

When the first instance of SCP-689-1 appeared, the subject was unable to leave the containment chamber for over two minutes before being able to exit the chamber. After exiting the containment chamber SCP-689-1 instances were bound by their chains and immobilized by the small, blunt tool they were attached with. The example from the containment chamber was recovered and destroyed; all confirmed instances were incinerated.

Addendum: Testing of SCP-689 with power-using apparatus is not feasible at this time, as the objects involved would be easily damaged and the process would require the use of dangerous materials in multiple test chambers.

Addendum: It is hypothesized that SCP-689 is also capable of altering the environment around itself to create a wider variety of chemicals and materials. Test Log Question 1


Procedure: SCP-689 can be opened using only one human sample from each iteration of the system.

Result: SCP-689 is located ██ meters down the hallway. The living room is lined with seven living walls and ceiling. All contain typical furnishings from the outside world: kitchen, living room, bathroom, lamp, piano, most of which have been burned or otherwise altered to create a non-functional state. The living room is sized for a single human person.

Procedure: SCP-689 can be opened using at least one human sample from each iteration of the system.

Result: SCP-689 is located ██ meters down the hallway. The living room is lined with seven living walls and ceiling. All contain typical furnishings from the outside world: kitchen, living room, bathroom, lamp, piano, most of which have been burned or otherwise altered to create a non-functional state. The living room is sized for a single human person.

Procedure: SCP-689 can be opened using at least one human sample from each iteration of the system.

Result: SCP-689 is located ██ meters down the hallway. The living room is lined with seven living walls and ceiling. All contain typical furnishings from the outside world: kitchen, living room, bathroom, piano, most of which have been burned or otherwise altered to create a non-functional state. The living room is sized for a single human person.

Procedure: SCP-689 can be opened using at least one human sample from each iteration of the system.

Result: SCP-689 is located ██ meters down the hallway. The living room is lined with seven living walls and ceiling. All contain typical furnishings from the outside world: kitchen, living room, bathroom, piano, most of which have been

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