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Item #: SCP-697

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-697 is contained in a standard

Area-5 containment cell. Observation of SCP-697 by the 5 soldiers in the SCP-697 containment cell is to be conducted by one member of Mobile Task Force B-7 ("Home Improvement") and a team of two researchers from Dr. Clef's institute (designated team 3) and A. L. Carnicke, Jr., the neurologist, president of a large cancer company in Miami, FL. A team of one Foundation personnel is to observe SCP-697 for the purpose of preventing any further cases of SCP-697's effect. Procedure B-7 was approved by the Ethics Committee on ██/██/20██.

Description: SCP-697 is a humanoid entity measuring six meters in height, capable of producing sounds and spoken language. It contains a large heart, small intestines, and large larynx, which is replaced by a large state machine containing organs of unknown function. The heart, larynx, and digestive organs are commonly referred to as "saucers," and are connected to the large organs through device cultivated by SCP-697's eyes. It is unknown whether SCP-697 possesses autonomic capabilities.

When SCP-697 is exposed to ambient sound, spatial distortion by the heart, larynx, stomach, liver, and other organs of the body will cause a certain area of the body to appear while the surrounding area is not. Such area appears as a bright purple glow within a forty-meter radius of the source of the sound. SCP-697 will then only disappear from SCP-697 when sound ceases. A sound of this color will produce a yellow glow within the space surrounding the source of the sound. SCP-697 will then disappear and display the proper color in the area surrounding it, bringing SCP subjects on the vessel to its location.

SCP-697 is capable of creating sound, producing spoken language, drawing SCP subjects on the vessel in question to SCP-697, and direct these SCP subjects' pace. It is extremely difficult to contact SCP-697 for extended periods of time, and may be destroyed by the current SCP by utilizing its main statement ("I am here") for ██ seconds.

Protocol B-7:

•Maintain constant observation of SCP-697's contact with the surface of SCP-697's body.

•Respect protocol B-7.

•Maintain constant observation of SCP-697's interior.

•Maintain constant observation of SCP-697's surroundings.

•Orient SCP subjects to SCP-697.

•Maintain constant observation of SCP-697's surroundings.

•Maintain constant observation of SCP-697's surroundings.

•Orient SCP subjects to SCP-697.

•Maintain constant observation of SCP-697.

•Maintain constant observation of SCP-697.

•Maintain constant observation of SCP-697.

•Maintain constant observation of SCP-697.

•Maintain constant observation of SCP-697.

•Maintain constant observation of SCP-697.

•Maintain constant observation of SCP-697.

•Maintain constant observation of SCP-697.

•Maintain constant observation of SCP-697. (Note: Procedure B-7 is likely to result in contact with SCP-697 back in the past. No reason is given for this.)


•SCP-697 is in most areas of the body accommodated to typical human life.

•It is difficult to damage SCP-697.

•It takes very little energy to damage SCP-697.

•It is relatively easy to remove SCP-697 from SCP-697.


•It is not metabolizable.

•It is highly unstable.

•SCP-697 is extremely contagious.

•The rate of occurrence of SCP-697 is limited to a number of former personnel, and is unlikely to explode.

•SCP-697 is difficult to contain.

•SCP-697 is extremely dangerous to the surrounding area.


•Maintain constant observation of SCP-697.

•Maintain constant observation of SCP-697.

•Music-based noise generators trained to detect the distinct color of sound produced when SCP-697 is activated.


•Addendum - Green

•Addendum - Pink

•Addendum - Purple

•Addendum - Purple Grey

•Addendum - Purple Grey

•Addendum - Purple Grey Grey

•Addendum - Green

•Addendum - Pink

•Addendum - Purple Grey

•Addendum - Purple Grey

•Addendum - Purple Grey

•Addendum - Purple Grey

•Addendum - Purple Grey

•Addendum - Purple Grey

•Addendum - Purple Grey


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