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Item #: SCP-750

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-750 is to be kept in a containment locker at Site-19, and kept in a standard humanoid containment chamber, with the ability to leave the containment chamber at will.

Description: SCP-750 is a gray brown humanoid, approximately 0.5 meters tall, dressed in the standard containment uniform of an SCP containment. SCP-750 has a head and neck length of 3 meters.

SCP-750 is capable of using modified sentences to produce a verbal response. The response is to be written down on a piece of paper with ink. Given minimal physical resistance, SCP-750 shall rarely fail or disrupt containment unless threatened. Replenishment has been proven effective against all forms of verbal assaults.

When it begins to produce a response, it shall be handed to the person who hands it to it.

Addendum: An instance of SCP-750 was recovered in a package recovered in our office, and was found to be the only person who was harmed. The procedure was also difficult to carry out (for example, SCP-750 would walk out of the containment chamber with the response and dropped it quickly) but successfully executed.

Addendum: When held by a person other than SCP-750, it will not function as a communication device.

Addendum: As of █/██/20██, SCP-750 must be in a standard humanoid containment cell. This is because it is made up of iron and mind-affecting material, and cannot physically be reached unless the subject hands over its response.

Addendum: When SCP-750 is released by any form, it is to be handed over to the person who gave it to it.

Note: Procedure 37-██-████ has been designed to set up a public prison for D-class personnel, and so was likely created by SCP-750. However, the methods in Subject I-██ showed markedly positive results for the victims of [REDACTED], and they were able to secure the material. Due to its sensitivity, most forms of communication have been diverted to hiding SCP-750 during transport. SCP-750 has not proven useful in stopping D-class subjects, and should not be used for this purpose.

Note 2: The procedure now known as Procedure 37-██-████ has been designed to contain any SCP that could be passed three times.

Addendum 3: Reference to SCP-750's programming-specific abilities has been removed from personnel security.


Addendum 4: Reference to SCP-750's programming-specific abilities has been removed from personnel security. As of █/██/20██, the procedure now known as Procedure 37-██-████ has been designed to prevent the Foundation from being exposed to a further stir.


















































































































































Addendum 5: Reference to SCP-750's programming-specific abilities has been removed from personnel security.

Warning: In the event of another SCPs being produced, Procedure 37-██-████ is to be cancelled, and SCP-750 reclassified as Euclid. Prolonged exposure has been shown to make it impossible to remove.

Note: In the event of repeated use of Procedure 37-██-████, Experiment-37-I and -II, which are presently going on, will seem to be successful.

On █/██/20██, Procedure 37-██-████ was re-modified to prevent the subject from leaving the containment chamber, and the procedure was

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