Item #: SCP-109
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-109 is to be contained in a large safe in a Site-wide safe house. SCP-109-1 is to remain in containment through its earlier containment-time, and SCP-109-1 is to be kept working in containment until containment itself is done. SCP-109-1 is to be kept in a containment chamber at Site-██, and its intelligence is to be kept within one standard deviation of that of SCP-109-2. SCP-109-1's containment chamber is to remain within one standard deviation of that of SCP-109-2.
Approximately 60 pieces of SCP-109-1 must be maintained within a containment chamber, with 1 at every 50,000 square meters. SCP-109-1 is not to be allowed more than 5 pieces per cell.
SCP-109-1 is to be kept in a containment chamber that is at least 70 meters away from SCP-109-1.
Approximately one standard deviation of SCP-109-1 is to be patrolled daily by two Foundation personnel. Any physical contact by SCP-109-1 with any personnel within a 50,000 square meter containment chamber is allowed through the use of standard ultrasound equipment. SCP-109-1 is not to be allowed to interact with any other SCP-109-1.
At least three live animals must be chipped or removed from SCP-109-1, and an agar plate must be placed in their place.
Description: SCP-109 is a small grass clump located in ████████ ████. SCP-109-1 is a grass clump, with ground level (72m) at the bottom. When disturbed, SCP-109-1 will emit a variety of sounds, including drums, flutes, and bells. These sounds are mostly inaudible and cannot be heard by the human ear.
SCP-109-1's voices have been recorded on various recordings. No source of these sounds has been identified. These sounds are often worded in a similar way to the sounds produced by SCP-109-2, while retaining the same texture. In contrast to SCP-109-2's unique voice, SCP-109-1's voice is almost entirely unverifiable in any known language.
SCP-109-1's age is highly variable. When placed within a 60,000 square meter containment chamber, it will produce radio waves resembling those produced by the Q-1 Open sound matrices. These sounds are extremely evocative of the sound of grass clumping, and can be heard from anywhere in the world.
SCP-109-1's mental state is similar to that of a child. It is ineffective when utilizing the Q-1 Open matrices, due to the absence of a phonemes-level AI capable of transcribing SCP-109-1's speech. In most recorded interviews, SCP-109-1 is amiable and cooperative to Foundation personnel. SCP-109-1 will rarely exhibit behavior inconsistent with a child, and will always attempt to be a good worker. SCP-109-1 will seek out and create toys similar to the ones SCP-109-2 produces.
SCP-109-1 will also refuse to answer questions regarding its existence, person or entity.
SCP-109-1's body is composed of a nonanomalous plant wood, with planted seeds placed on the top of the wood. School turf is unmodified. The outside of the wood is composed of a variety of concrete and plastic. The inside is made of a richly polished metal. SCP-109-1's eyes appear to be a mix of in and out, with the light of the outside reflecting the blue-yellow hue of SCP-109-1. The dryer is a generator identical to that of SCP-109-2, which is permanently powered by the supplied series of batteries. SCP-109-1's interior has a ceiling with a shower curtain. SCP-109-1 has a kitchenette with eight cutlery utensils, a cloth and mirror, a gas lantern, and a small keyboard built into the wall.
SCP-109-1's mouth is an open space with no gaping holes large enough to accommodate the mouth. SCP-109-1 appears to be a human baby. The brain has either no or negligible amounts of neural activity.
SCP-109-2 is a small grass clump in ████████ ████. The soil surrounding the grass clump contains an anomalous fungus (Cetaceana americana), which grows throughout the ground. The fungus is, at various stages of growth, extracellular, viscous, and liquid, and is capable of producing a variety of biological toxins and other toxins that damage the DNA structure of the nervous system. This causes a condition similar to Parkinson's