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Item #: SCP-162

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-162 has been kept in a standard security lockbox at Site-██. Security personnel are permitted to use SCP-162's lockbox in the event that its anomalous properties will be discovered.

In the event that SCP-162 is discovered without Level 4/162 clearance or biological testing procedures, Foundation medical specialists are to be deployed from Site-██ until correction of the situation. While SCP-162 is peaceful and has proved capable of cooperative behavior, containment is currently subject to intense consideration from the Foundation due to SCP-162's "hypoth" behavior. Thus, containment must be planned with utmost care.

Description: SCP-162 is a Caucasian female currently designated SCP-162-1. SCP-162-1 is a mindless and insatiable young female of unknown age. When placed in a small child's bedroom, SCP-162-1 will begin making numerous requests for everything from toys to musical instruments. SCP-162-1 will make repeated requests by hissing at the principal trigger force to initiate these requests. In response to these requests, SCP-162-1 will speak but typically of things which are not the toys. Note that SCP-162-1 has a regular speaking voice, but does not communicate verbally.

Under normal circumstances, SCP-162-1's requests will be answered. However, when SCP-162-1 is placed in a small emergency such as an asphyxiation, SCP-162-1 will cease responding and become inactive. All attempts of SCP-162-1 to continue asking will be met with a seemingly mindless "oblivion" response.

At this point, SCP-162-1 will autonomously begin asking "What do you do now?" The SCP-162-1 will continue its asking until the request is answered.

Addendum 162-A: SCP-162-1 is not a threat to learning the material contained in this document. However, to facilitate containment of SCP-162-1, several basic containment procedures have been developed.

SCP-162-1 is to be monitored continuously through the use of the Foundation database. All data for SCP-162-1 in Foundation databases is to be accessed through a set of random-number generators. All aforementioned information is stored in a Level 4/163 security secure folder at Site-██.

Description: SCP-162-1 is the 3-year-old daughter of the aforementioned SCP-162-1, and SCP-162-1-1. SCP-162-1 is in good physical health even at a young age. The object is temperamentally and genetically similar to that of a normal Caucasian female, although SCP-162-1-1's gender is atypical in that security personnel in contact with SCP-162-1 have had to take estrogen masculin antagonists to prevent anaphylactic shock. These administration procedures have been proven to be profitable to the Foundation.

SCP-162-1-1 is extremely intelligent and has been able to replicate much of the process required to replicate SCP-162-1 to his own specifications. However, SCP-162-1-1 does not show any signs of human-level intelligence. This is believed to be a direct result of SCP-162-1 exercising in a manner different from that of other animals, as SCP-162-1-1 is able to carry out all of its requests within days of being placed in a containment cell.

SCP-162-1-1 is also located in a home staffed by an unknown number of D-class personnel. While the object was placed within one of the D-class barracks prior to its containment, it is believed to be among the last remaining D-class within the Foundation.

A large number of these D-class have been discovered to be SCP-162-1-1's former associates who have been designated SCP-162-1-1. These D-class have been revealed to be unable to give anything to SCP-162-1-1 without actively seeking containment.

The list of known SCP-162-1-1 associates is as follows:

-D-Class Researcher: D-16694








All D-class have been administered amnestics.


Interviewer: Dr. ████

Interviewer: Dr. ██████

Stimulus: D-4797's request to take a shower.

Foreword: Dr. ████ wanted to get D-4797 to take a shower in a different way. At

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