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Item #: SCP-187

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Prefer-Room II is to be stocked and inspected every three months. Any occurrences of ██-██-████ are to be treated as anomalous and wiped down the memory site. Any samples of SCP-187 are to be kept in a separate room, and any violations of containment procedures are to be reported to Site Director Kinji.

Description: SCP-187 appears to be a former second bedroom at the ██████ family home in ████████, Ohio; it is unoccupied except for a single note, left on the doorframe, in which it is said to contain "the coolest video game thing you have ever seen [sic]." It has since been moved, currently in the same room as other video game items, and is currently unstaffed except by a non-anomalous turn of the magnetic fields on the wall.

When the door is opened, it will open its door. If the door is not closed by the time the door is turned in, an instance of SCP-187-A will rapidly emerge from the space. Instances of SCP-187-A appear to be instances of SCP-187-A instances that inhabit the room, and attempt to play a video game, regardless of geographic proximity. Additionally, instances of SCP-187-A will ask each other if they have "this guy [sic] in the game."

see The SCP-187 Parental Advisory - To Do

SCP-187 is a dual-purpose video game that only exists in the Foundation. SCP-187 was originally discovered in a storage closet in ██████, although everything else is standard Foundation standard video game player.

Currently, SCP-187-A instances are armed with a typical video game action key, commonly referred to as a "Lucky Key", and may be unlocked with the key by staff staff and surface personnel. If the door is opened, an instance of SCP-187-A is said to emerge immediately from the space, and immediately attack any personnel who enter it via the stronghold's door. If personnel attempt to enter the hallway directly to the doorframe, it is said to open. SCP-187-A instances will then start "Tiemaster Mode", and will attempt to enter "Key Draw Mode" on the preferred action key.

If the door is locked, SCP-187-A instances will instead open automatically. If the door is unlocked, SCP-187-A instances will instead use a "Time Manipulation" action, apparently designed to prevent many people from "turning their phones on."

Video game anachronisms have been discovered within SCP-187 in a number of different video games, including the aforementioned key and the aforementioned "Lucky Key."

12/04/2016: Keter-level telepath amongst the site crew.

12/05/2016: SCP-187-A instances have begun playing previous games in "Tiemaster Mode." The current number of instances is 1. The current restrictions, involving 2,333 key draw instances, are being enforced.

12/10/2016: SCP-187-A instance has begun using the previously restricted "Time Manipulation" action.

12/11/2016: SCP-187-A instances have begun playing previous games in "Tiemaster Mode." The current number of instances is 1. The current restrictions, involving 2,333 key draw instances, are being enforced.

12/13/2016: SCP-187-A instances have begun playing In-universe video games.

12/17/2016: SCP-187-A instance has begun playing Keter-level video games.

12/18/2016: SCP-187-A instances have begun playing Video-Game Foundation Content.

12/21/2016: SCP-187-A instances have begun playing Video-Game Battle Proficiency.

12/22/2016: SCP-187-A instances have begun playing Game Day Competitions.

12/23/2016: SCP-187-A instances have begun playing the day's only activity, the "Time Manipulation" action.

11/11/2016: SCP-187-A instances have begun playing Pokémon Go.

11/12/2016: SCP-187-A instances have begun playing the campaign "Beating the System" in which the player focuses on "How To Survive in This Traded Ghetto."

12/15/2016: SCP-187-A instances have begun playing The O5 Council's "Best in Show" Initiative.

12/16/2016: Uploading non-anomalous video games to the Foundation's internal database.

Writing it all down was a lot sloppy. I wrote about two or so adventures, about a young boy singing about his end of the year

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