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Item #: SCP-241

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-241 is to be contained in a standard computer-based safe, which must be accessed via a password-protected system. SCP-241 is to be stored in this safe. In the event of SCP-241's containment breach or a breach of security, the safe is to be reclassified as an active Foundation containment safe.

Description: SCP-241 is a vector that is capable of all mutations and organs, including humans. Although the exact mechanism is unknown, several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the process.

SCP-241 rapidly transmits changes in the molecular composition of its outer casing, called SCP-241-A. Instances of SCP-241-A-1 are present in all human organisms, while instances of SCP-241-A-2 and SCP-241-A-3 are found in virtually all animals.

Further tests have indicated that the mutations SCP-241-A enters are not anomalous, and have been discovered to be nearly 100 percent similar to those of the human genome.

The mutation that creates SCP-241-A is not completely so. It retains the DNA sequences of several species of toothed whales, which are believed to have originated, but not to have a naturally occurring mutation similar to those of human cells.

SCP-241-A-1 and -2 are bodily organs in humans. They are the primary mental functions of the body, coordinating the chemical reactions necessary to synthesize serotonin and dopamine. Both are often found in the skeletal structure of the brain, and have a part-body composition similar to that of a system of some kind of automatic motor control.

Further, on occasion, the inter-cellular communication between the nucleus and cytoplasm of the cells involved in the processes of the cells in the mesial temporal lobe is activated in a sort of shared, controlled manner. These connections are maintained, and are detectable by those that have free-floating serum from the habenula, a local blood clot, currently located in the left central cuneal cavity.

SCP-241-A-2 are thousands of parallel synapses that form a highly reliable and efficient way of communicating. Synapses in SCP-241-A-2 exhibit a rudimentary maintenance sequence, but are nearly constant in their accuracy, as well as having the ability to independently replicate motor activity of any type of animal, and exhibit light celllike organelles analogous to those of certain microorganisms. Telomeres and other molecules in the DNA strands of this organism exhibited the same pattern of activity, and thus functioned like DNA replication units.

Further tests have shown that, at the interface between straight and curved nerve fibers, exactly six of the base pairs of ordinary human nerves, located near the back of the forelimb joint, contain the embryonic stem cells of the synapses. These embryonic stem cells are extremely sensitive and can be primed with an activated gene from the cell membrane of the same species of human. The activation process is initiated by the initiation of the sequential actions of the two muscles, and ends after symptoms suggesting a strain induced by such a strain have dissipated.

In addition, in the terminal stage, nerve fibers throughout the brain originate from two equally long, arachnoid appendages. These appendages are capable of transmitting information along the neural pathways, and allow for a "push" of information content. As the initial stages of the process of the nervous system are initiated, a section of the brain mutates to include a set of neurons, capable of responding to a subject's neuro-requirements. This neural program remains in place, and over time expands, allowing for the development of the neurological pathways that allow exactly what the subject – if they have ever had the capacity – needs.

SCP-241-A-3 are organs in the digestive system. The digestive system is a complex organ system in which specialized: by the early stages of its development, the expression of the DNA sequences associated with the telomeres of the animal is complete. These telomeres are usually located in the stomach and small intestine, but in rare cases, in the colon, turkeys, fish, and popular shellfish.

This telomeres is responsible for initiating an internal neural activity state in the subject, and allows them to effectively remain alive. In the case of individuals who are physically able to access the stomach and intestines, it will use a "feed" system, typically in conjunction with their anterograde brain activity, to release calories burned in the digestive system. This system is activated by the stimulation of the optic nerves, and by basic analysis of the genetic makeup of the individual, it has been deduced that all of them possess the genes for the gene that allows the nerve impulses to be carried in their respective telomeres.

Every ten minutes, this neural activity state will be repeatedly

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