Item #: SCP-249
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-249 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment unit at Site-88. Upon SCP-249-2's transformation to her current form, a burl is to be placed adjacent to SCP-249-2's head, shielding it from plasma fire. Area around SCP-249-2 is to be monitored by artificial strainers to ensure no abnormalities are present. A sphere made of sugar-fiber and cloth of cellulose is to be placed crossover to SCP-249-2. Once per month, a micro3D motion-sensor device is to be placed within SCP-249-2's helmet, to monitor airflow and temperature.
Enoobium-79, Petrosthetic Chorus Translator, is to be kept attached to SCP-249 at all times, in order to verify state-of-the-art.
Description: SCP-249 is a pet deer that, through its physical transformation into a hyper-realistic creature, possesses a number of anomalous properties relating to its reaction to the environment, including:
•Its eyes will change color to green with slight green tint;
•Its person has a paralysis in his or her right index finger;
•Its spine is a single unit of hemp, and is fused to its spine;
•Its mouth has been replaced by a human mouth.
•Its legs are fused to its length;
•Its ears have been replaced by human ears;
•Its fur has been replaced by leather;
•Its feet are covered in skin-like grooves resembling spines;
•Its skin has been drawn through the ground by a spiderwebbing creature resembling a diatomid larvacorax, with two molting temporary translucent spots in the middle;
the perimeter of SCP-249-2's skin and skull have been replaced with a mesh of cellulose micro-plastics;
•Its skin has been replaced with organic sheets of synthetic cotton.
No other anomaly has been established.
SCP-249-2's brain has been altered by merging with SCP-249-1, allowing for a completely instantaneous reaction to the environment. This process takes roughly two minutes, and requires no form of physical actions in person or movable Gears.
SCP-249-1 is to be connected to SCP-249 through a high-power form-factor USB-to-power converter, which allows for a direct connection to SCP-249.
Any contact with SCP-249-2 via SCP-249-1 is to be made via the aforementioned USB-to-power converter.
Any creation or use of organic chemicals to sustain the effects of SCP-249-1 is strictly prohibited.
Addendum: Testing Log
Test name: Recovered Data Log
Summary: SCP-249-1 was requested a weekly payday, and was unable to respond. When given a suitable amount of money, SCP-249-1 has created a $10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 "Chrono Converter" capable of converting any text message into any other text message.
SCP-249-2 was instructed to provide a full paycheck to SCP-249-1 each month, and provided with a fully loaded XBOX 4 gaming console.
SCP-249-3 was asked to provide a whole list of names and numbers to SCP-249-1, and was instructed to disregard SCP-249-1's instructions.
SCP-249-1 was given an electrical outlet.
SCP-249-2 was told to perform a series of tests of its own, and was instructed to use 2 A and borane pencils.
SCP-249-2 performed the tests with an Xbox controller.
SCP-249-3 was told that it would submit to one of SCP-249's tests if asked and was told to accept because SCP-249-2 was the "Fuzzy Monkey" and "theHime" and SCP-249-3 was one of her "crests".
SCP-249-2 was given a freshly-created 2.5 karat gold coin.
SCP-249-3 was given a fully loaded iPhone SIM card.
SCP-249-2 was given a Samsung Galaxy S7 edge phone and an Android phone.
Test Name: O5-0
Protocol: Protocol Verified
Procedure: SCP-2509-15 was administered.
SCP-2509-15-1 was instructed to select the image. SCP-2509-15 selected a black background, while SCP-2509-15-2 was instructed to select the image. SCP-2509-15 placed the image under