Item #: SCP-248
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-248 is to be stored in secure storage at Site-███. SCP-248-1-1 is to be stored in Secure Storage 3. SCP-248 is to be stored in the back-of-house storage in Site-███. SCP-248 is not to be removed from SCP-248-1-1.
SCP-248 is to be kept in a standard containment locker at Storage Site-███. A unique note is to be attached to each side of SCP-248 in letters that do not match any known spelling. SCP-248 is to be given a daily dose of 2 gram quantities of macraline-5-U phenylethrine. This dosage will be measured in grams of powder daily. If SCP-248 ever complains to a staff member of ingesting more than this amount of crystal meth or Route 1-C mescaline, they are to be administered Class-A amhotric acid.
SCP-248's diet is run by a time-based diet-chart that explains the various nutrients. During this time, staff members are to take about the same amount of food as an average American male. During this time, staff members are to drink about the same amount of coffee as an average male, so that SCP-248 can consume the same amount of caffeine as a Class-A man. During this time, SCP-248 spends only about 15 minutes inside its containment cell, eating a whole bag of applesauce. During this time, SCP-248 has never consumed any food or drink that was not specially prepared, and does not leave Site-███ for more than three days.
During containment of SCP-248, biological samples (various birds, owls and specks) are to be taken from the area surrounding SCP-248's dish, as well as ceaseless burglaries of several local stores. Every four months, SCP-248 is to be checked for the presence of a documented wild titan. One of the following is to be placed in SCP-248's containment cell if, and only if, it is found:
•SCP-248 is in a position where it is capable of drawing sustenance from the surrounding area. The exact method of this and all other maintenance has yet to be determined.
•SCP-248 is in the containment cell holding an apple.
•SCP-248 has breached containment and is either unfit to or unable to leave the containment cell.
Any staff member who may be wearing any of the aforementioned items has been assigned a replacement item. Any staff member who may have seen or consumed any of these items is advised to immediately report to containment for a new containment item of a different containment sample.
Description: SCP-248 is a 100-year-oldanedictus of true species Theus aculeatus. The specimens' skin, feathers, feathers and fur coats the flight parts of the animals, which are constituted of a human-shaped claw-like structure embedded in the animal's outer feathers. Their claws and tips function as hard, non-porous feathers that conduct light and heat to the wearer's fingertips.
Unlike other species of iguana, SCP-248 has two sets of wings instead of a single set, and each set contains several feathers on the underside, which act as a shelter for SCP-248 when conducting flight.
SCP-248's anomalous properties first came to Foundation attention after the "Beach Goers" had a large-scale coup d'état in a popular Florida beach. The estate that had been seized by the Goers had, previously, proven to be massively wealthy and powerful, despite having little in the way of natural resources. Allegedly, using a rich, mysterious, and even dubious source, they had located the remains of a massive animal that had waddled around on the beach for all of 1,000 years.
The Goers were able to hatch the eggs from the remains, and hatch an army force of titan-like creatures that they swiftly took control of. However, no one could have foreseen the position the Goers would get themselves into, owing to the absurd manner in which they had escaped death. No one could have foreseen that the Goers would be so successful, both in their initial expedition and their subsequent creation, and that they would be so aggrieved over their success.
The Goers took advantage of the eggs, and the first generation of all titan creatures, surviving the first stage of Darwinian evolution to be able to produce new proteins. Some of the resulting proteins were used to create a new form of allopurinergic vision, which allowed them to tell the difference between a native jungle and a desert, and which enabled them to function as the central nervous system, as well as the first known machine known to have been constructed by the machine themselves.