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Item #: SCP-259

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-259 is to be kept in an enclosure of grade level 3, and only to be contained in a standard containment cell. During testing, a secondary containment chamber must be provided if SCP-259's containment cell is found to be not leakproof.

Description: SCP-259 is a single- and dual-purpose chicken.

Date of Containment: ██/██/2008

Location: ████████, CA

Security Protocol: Former containment site used to take care of attack dogs that had been transferred to a different location.

When the chicken walkes or its head is turned, the former containment of SCP-259 is reversed by an unknown force. Containment will occur only if the chicken is turned.

Animals SCP-259 is beyond the capacity of any containment chamber to contain canines. These canines will not be contained unless a permanent containment chamber is constructed, and canines awaiting containment cannot be released until such time as the containment chamber is completed.

SCP-259 is capable of vocalization. However, vocalization is not as prevalent as previously thought, and although it is possible, the hidden meaning of SCP-259 is unclear. No vocalization has been recorded outside of a containment chamber.

Addendum: SCP-259 seems to be able to run as fast as it can be walked (up to a mere 7km/h). However, attempting to escape from a containment chamber will result in a containment breach, destroying all containment chambers containing SCP-259, rendering the object uncontained.

Additional Notes: I have received the authorization of having SCP-259 make vocalizations, as well as having three eye-altering foods provided to SCP-259. These three items help SCP-259 take full advantage of the anomalous abilities that SCP-259 possesses. Two of the three must be provided with SCP-259 prior to testing. Other three must be provided with SCP-259 before the containment chamber can be used to contain SCP-259.

All containment chambers must have a containment evacuation ratchet mechanism, and SCP-259 must have been given one (1) Class-0 containment breach alarm.

Description: SCP-259 is a human, male newborn infant with the current age of three (3). The child's parents are unresponsive to Foundation containment procedures, despite being unable to provide a name or a birth year for SCP-259.

SCP-259 has gained a secondary physical development around the time of its third year. SCP-259's physical development is two (2) meters in height, weighs approximately 10 pounds, and exhibits a keen interest in drawing, learning and playing. SCP-259 has been able to travel through obstacles that would normally take him years to traverse.

SCP-259 has developed a compulsion to draw pictures of objects. These activities include painting, sculpture, sculpture/gallery, sports ball and table tennis, and eating. The child will typically draw the SCP-259 picture every 3 months.

Subjects who interact with SCP-259 will learn about SCP-259's mental development. Many SCP-259-1 instances will recall memories of a childhood spent drawing things, and will often become active participants in SCP-259's hobby.

SCP-259's behavior has been anomalous, as it has demonstrated no problem using tools developed for other purposes to assist SCP-259's development through various means. However, the child's handwriting has decreased 8-10 times since its containment for testing purposes.

Dr. ██████ is to analyze test results for linkage.

Writeup Explanation:

SCP-259 is a sentient baby of unknown age living in a containment cell. All information regarding SCP-259's behavioral characteristics has been suppressed. However, it has taken up a headspace during regular testing of containment organisms, and has been seen to perform routine tasks such as walking or drawing. It is also computed that SCP-259 regularly draws an image of itself – an example is recorded below.









In containment:


At time of containment:






Hearing Record:


Tachyon Radiation Level:




Hear Log:






In containment:


At time of containment:






Hearing Record:


Tachyon Radiation Level:

page revision: 1, last edited: 2019-05-14 12:54:21.208290
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