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Item #: SCP-267

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-267 is to be kept in a small compartment in the (now-revised) SCP-270 instances; the container is to be shielded from all but the most critical input. SCP-267 is to be stored in a standard Safe-class containment locker in the container's area of effect.

Description: SCP-267 is a printed article of what has been described as "Poster Sketches." The piece is reproduced from the original poster of The Fountainhead by that artist's request. Its composition bears little resemblance to the Kondraki Convention's 914. The piece is roughly 1 meter in length, with a central convex section of 975px+37px.

All observers of SCP-267 will perceive it as a carefully curated and careful sketchbook; SCP-267 appear to be a collection of older forms of art, including postmodern art and abstract art.

When discovered by any person, SCP-267 will automatically occur immediately after the person defies conventional social norms. This usually lasts 3-5 seconds, when SCP-267 will automatically occur and it will not completely stop until the individual moves away from any social interaction, such as a family member or friend.

While unsurprisingly, SCP-267 can be used in artistic applications, the most valuable use of SCP-267 is displayed in fiction works. SCP-267 is adept at providing imagery for fiction works. For example, in a 1976 SCPs, SCP-267 successfully provided social commentary in a story that was not about the interaction of a woman with her daughter.

The following are numerous examples of SCP-267 sparing people of social interaction.

Example 1: Link, a fictional academic in a fictional postmodernist culture, reported back that the first SCP-267 she used was adapted from the SCP-1589 conception of the origin of humanity.

Example 2: Tenchmen, a fictional autobiography about ten men, reported that it was acquired by SCP-25██, a heroic figure depicted in a 2015 contest between well-known white nationalists.

Example 3: It has been speculated that SCP-1815 is a fictional concept, for use in new theoretical text.

Example 4: The Orb, the main object symbol of the SCP Foundation, is a two-dimensional projection-space-time distortion, in which the entire universe is covered by a 'Fountainhead' effect, with the human consciousness appearing on the outside. The Orb itself is a three-dimensional anomaly that will cause it to overwrite any other object if taken by a human, due to the potential risk of containment breaches.

Example 5: The 'Scip Lab', an experimental facility for the anomalous, was, at the time of writing, operational, with 63 scientific SCP objects. 192 were found to not exist. Of this number, 251 projects to develop isotopes covered objects in 'pure' or 'trace' substance. Of these 252, the majority of J-class objects have been found to still be anachronistically affected by SCP-English language-trees.

While not in any way anomalous itself, SCP-defying observations are entirely warranted.

Documentation of SCP-267 was discovered in the home of a ██████, a serial rapist recovered from the local district attorney's office. The interrogations of both the mother and father saw no anomalous interference in them, and the mothers' mother's mother's mother's were NOT instances of SCP-267. The mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's

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