Item #: SCP-030
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: All SCP-030 instances are to be stored in a standard humanoid containment unit at Site-██. Solidarity between SCP-030 instances and each other is to be reviewed annually.
Description: SCP-030 is a 3.1-metre by 5.4-metre plastic sculpture entitled "Brainy". SCP-030's anomalous effect pre-dates its discovery among the Foundation and is believed to have been caused by an anomalous effect in the memory of the original personality.
The original personality with which SCP-030 was created was the subject of the Foundation. SCP-030 is the brain of that person, and all memories relating to that person include the effect of SCP-030.
SCP-030 appears to cause the memory effect of SCP-030 to occur in other individuals. SCP-030 will not prevent the memory effect from occurring which has thus far been proven to be a nearly perfect match. Testing has been unable to prevent the memory effect event.
All individuals who have acquired a copy of SCP-030 or a similar SCP, any visual or auditory memory effect of the original personality, or any perceived idea related to that personality, will have the memory effect. Individuals who are considered to have learned about SCP-030 first, and who have non-anomalous, non-anomalous, or non-anomalous personal memories of the original personality, will have the memory effect. Individuals who only have Memory-Affected personas with which they can recall the original persona will have the memory effect. Individuals who only have personal memories of SCP-030 or the original personality will have the memory effect. Individuals with no knowledge of SCP-030 will have the memory effect.
Individuals who are affected by SCP-030 will not know that they have acquired the original personality. If the original personality and SCP-030's anomalous effect were destroyed when a copy was made of it, SCP-030 instances currently possess the memory effect. Individuals who have memories of the original personality and do not remember it have the memory effect. Individuals who have the memories of either SCP-030 or the original personality but have not learned about SCP-030 or the original personality will have the memory effect. Individuals who have memories of SCP-030 but do not know the original personality will have the memory effect. Individuals who have the memories of SCP-030 and do not know the original personality will have the memory effect. Individuals who have the memories of SCP-030 and do not know the original personality will have the memory effect. Individuals with no knowledge of SCP-030 and who have knowledge of SCP-030 but who are distressed or otherwise unable to remember the original personality OR any concept associated with it will have the memory effect. Individuals who have the memories of SCP-030 but who learn about the original personality and whose knowledge prevents them from acquiring the original personality will have the memory effect. Individuals with knowledge of SCP-030 and who have learned about the original personality but who are unable to recall it will have the memory effect. The basis for this is unknown.
Following this result, SCP-030 instances affected by the memory effect will have their memory and personality stored in a normal human-size memory storage unit. Individuals who are exposed to the original personality are to be affected by SCP-030's recording ability. Individuals who have not acquired the original personality and have no knowledge of SCP-030 will be unaffected by SCP-030's effects, but who have the memory effect will still experience the influence of SCP-030's memory influence. Individuals who are unable to learn about the original personality, but have acquired the memories of both, will have the memory effect. The only known way of targeting SCP-030's effects is through "assembling" the SCP-030 instances.
The original personality of SCP-030 appeared on the line of SCP-030's title when SCP-030 was commissioned by the Foundation in 1955.
Interviewer: D-1528
Interviewer: Dr. ██████████
Dr. ██████████: Hello D-1528, actually.
D-1528: I don't know who you are, why you're here, or why I'm here. I don't want to know; you don't have to. When this is over, I promise that I won't tell you who you are or why you're here. I just want to know how you came to be able to know me.
Dr. ██████████: Do you know who you are?
D-1528: Yes I do. I was born out of New York and raised to the polar opposite of the exact opposite of reality. The four of us were completely innocent, living and thinking alike. We wanted to be somewhere in our own little world, to be