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Item #: SCP-329

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: A Site-11 industrial complex has been constructed around SCP-329 to house the production of two-way radios, electronics, magnetometers and digital video recorders.

Description: SCP-329 is a group of standard Foundation-made radios, computers, electronics and other standardized components for radios, computers and electronics.

SCP-329 consists of a single unit, designated an SCP-329-1 instance. SCP-329-1 instances are capable of speech, and are very useful for retrieving information on a given subject or topic.:

•The SCP-329-1 instance can search the online wiki for any topic.

•SCP-329-1 instances are able to read articles written by either Dr. ██████ or Dr. ████████ on the subject of the subject.

•SCP-329-1 instances can transmit instant messages through conventional means.

•SCP-329-1 instances can request a friend's transcription of a song.

How the SCP-329-1 instances communicate is currently unknown, using various forms of text, photographs, audio clips, or video files. All SCP-329-1 instances refer to their individual subjects in a way, with the primary usage of subjects, subjects, subjects, subjects, subjects, and subjects.

The information the SCP-329-1 instances communicate can be categorized as:

•Variations on the subject of the subject of the subject of the subject.

•Variations on primary language or style of writing used over the primary language.

•Individual parts of an article that are confusing, confusing, or misleading.

•Basic information regarding a subject.

•Specific information of a dual-use product.

•Specific information about a particular item.

•Specific information about a specific subject.

•Specific information about a specific product.

•Specific information about an object.

•Specific information about a specific item.

•Diplomatic information regarding a particular topic.

•Specific information about a specific subject.

•Specific information about a specific procedure.


•Specific information about a specific procedure.

•Specific information about an item.

•Specific information about a specific article.

•Specific information about a specific single-use item.

•Specific information about an article.

•Specific information about an article.

•Specific information about an article.

•Specific information about an article.

•Specific information about an article.

•Specific information about an article.

•Specific information about an article.

•Specific information about an article.

•Specific information about an article.

The methods SCP-329-1 instances employ to manipulate an article are as follows:

•A single-use item.

•An article with a secondary function.

•Used to drape a small copy of an article cover on a subject.

•Various details such as location, intelligence level, victims' names, and other details of the victim's life.

•A subjective independent variable (this is discussed further below)

•Automatic updates to a site database.

•An article which is constantly accessed by other SCP-329-1 instances.

•While SCP-329-1 instances suggest the use of an object or procedure in a specific manner, it has been observed that they will attempt to only use the same elements or functions. The only resource which they require is to be able to review the article. It is presumed that SCP-329-1 instances will attempt to use various elements once created.

•A warmed or dry environment.

In addition, to its use of motion-detection technology, SCP-329-1 instances will also use their knowledge of their respective subject and the subject of the subject of their target article to convey information in a more conversational tone. Additionally, SCP-329-1 instances are capable of building a variety of small radios.

SCP-329-1 instances will usually respond to a simple question.

•Why is it bothering you?

•Who did it?

•How did they do it?

•What do you think?

•Does it make you feel bad?

•What should I do about this?

•Which is worse?

During SCP-329-1-A instances interacting with a particular subject, they will attempt to use this information to coerce that subject. The methods whereby such a person is coerced to cooperate with SCP-329-1 are currently unknown. SCP-329-1-A instances will usually be persuaded to cooperate with SCP-329-1 without the use of force, as well as using media such as photographs, recordings from films and television shows, recorded interviews, and fictional individuals and organisations

page revision: 1, last edited: 2019-05-14 12:54:21.336666
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