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Item #: SCP-334

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Due to the object's anomalous properties, containment in the Gift of Foundation Materials is maintained as of ██-██-███-██.

Description: SCP-334 was found in the basement of the Manna Charitable Foundation of Maryland on ██/██/██ to be the remains of a deceased cat’s cubs cat.

SCP-334 had previously been housed at the Manna Charitable Foundation of Maryland, which had become largely deserted due to the Foundation’s destruction of all sentient SCP-334 instances.

SCP-334 was discovered in the third floor of what had initially been the classified section of Site-64 when agents posing as researchers were instructed to investigate a possible anomaly. SCP-334 was discovered in the basement of the Keter-Class-Keter-Keter-Keter-Keter housing in the basement of the Intense-Class-Keter-Keter classification hierarchy while active as SCP-334 was doing its job. Agent ████████ was captured as he attempted to return SCP-334 to the Manna Charitable Foundation of Maryland. SCP-334 was presented to the Manna Charitable Foundation of Maryland for containment, and was thus contained on the first day of January ██-██-████.

Note: SCP-334 was discovered in Site-64.

SCP-334 is a sentient being which temporarily takes the form of a cat in a cat carrier, subsequently taking the form of an adult male American robin. SCP-334 has been a pet of Agent ████████ for the past two decades. SCP-334 has a large secondary eye, a series of teeth, and an overall patterned appearance. SCP-334’s sensory organs are also capable of perceiving the outside world. SCP-334 is able to completely transform into a cub's cat.

SCP-334 is always found in the vicinity of the Manna Charitable Foundation of Maryland, which has been known to be down to the third floor of the basement of the Alpha-Class-Keter-Keter-Keter-Keter-Keter-Class-Keter-Keter classification hierarchy. It rests on the ground, and is strongly protected by a series of generators, as well as a number of layers of protection and matrix. SCP-334 was discovered in the basement of the Keter-Class-Keter-Keter-Keter-Keter-Keter-Keter-Keter-Keter-CP-Monomikol-Keter-Keter-Keter-Keter-Keter-Keter-Keter-Keter-Keter-Keter-Keter-Keter.

SCP-334 possesses several traits that make it difficult to distinguish from a normal Cat.

•SCP-334 is able to perceive the outside world. The existence of the Foundation’s recovery of SCP-334 after the destruction of Site-64 has greatly reduced the value of the existence of those individuals that enter the basement. The Foundation has granted a permit for outside research to the SCP-334’s existence, but has not given permission to leave the basement.

•Due to SCP-334’s nature, there are no known methods of keeping it contained. Foundation Personnel are advised to not touch SCP-334 in the event of having it intentionally manifest.

Description: SCP-334 is a male American robin.

SCP-334 is able to perceive the outside world, but appears to be unable to understand the outside world. SCP-334 is able to perceive the outside world, but appears to have no cognitive function.

SCP-334 was originally discovered in the basement of the Manna Charitable Foundation of Maryland under the remains of multiple deceased cats. Site-64 was built to contain all active instances of SCP-332, and an expansion of SCP-334’s cover was approved on ██-██-████.

SCP-334 has been in Foundation possession since 1952, and has been contained in the basement for the past three decades. During the following decade, Manna Charitable Foundation of Maryland began to experience power outages. Foundation officials were notified of the spread of SCP-332, and Manna Charitable Foundation of Maryland was purchased by the Foundation.

Efforts to contain the first instance of SCP-332 caused several casualties; as of ██-██-██, ████ human cases of Legionella pneumophila have developed within the Site, and ███ animal cases of Kers (Lepidoptera) have been known to manifest within the site.

See Addendum 332-01 for documentation on the containment procedures.

Addendum 332-01:

Addendum 332-02:

Addendum 332-03:

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