Item #: SCP-365
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-365 is to be contained in the Site-19 Containment Facility. Facilities will be under constant surveillance by Level 0/365. An isolation chamber is to be placed in the center of the containment area. Maintenance, repair, and maintenance are to be applied to SCP-365's materials and subsystems as necessary.
Description: SCP-365 is a three-dimensional sculpture made in the style of a large chalet. Oil painting of a chandelier is present on SCP-365's collar, and depicts a different drawing of the Foundation Assistant Director of Personnel Liaison (SAPL) Michael █████.
SCP-365 is the former head of the SCP Foundation Liaison Program in the mid-1960s. Most of the Foundation Liaison program was assumed to be dormant and inactive at the time of the disappearance of the Foundation front company, until its reappearance in ██████ ██ ██ ██.
Hello, I am a harmless vagrant. Time to join the club!
Addendum #1: The last known date photographed for SCP-365 was ██/██/██.
Addendum #2: SAPL Michael █████ has been deceased for approximately 69 years. Information on him was deemed worthy of the Foundation Liaison Program maintenance staff to maintain track of the SAPPL MTF junior socie, Agent ████████ ████.
Addendum #3: Agent ████████ has been committed to Site-19 for today's 3rd face-to-face with SCP-365. Agent Michael ██████ has been given a temporary medical stay at Site-19 to help with cognitive and emotional recovery. Agent ████████ has been granted posthumous promotion as Level 1 Senior Foundation Liaison for the Foundation Senior Director of Agents, not subject to the Clinical Credentials Assistance Policy and the Blocking Rule.
Addendum #4: Site-19 has been accepted for its Foundation Liaison Program. Site-19 is currently occupied by an additional 3 personnel, one of whom is the current junior senior liaison, Agent ████████. Agent █████ has been assigned wife-and-children status, with full custody and visitation of the estate of her deceased parents in order.
Addendum #5: In the wake of this incident, Site-19 (Site-19 at large) has been designated for the Foundation Liaison Program until October 1st 2017.
Addendum #6: In the wake of this incident, Site-19 (Site-19 at large) has been designated for the Foundation Liaison Program until October 1st 2017.
Addendum #7: Site-19 has been accepted for further testing.
Addendum #8: Site-19 has been accepted for further testing.
Addendum #9: Site-19 has been accepted for further testing.
Addendum #10: Site-19 has been accepted for further testing.
Addendum #11: Site-19 has been accepted for further testing.
Addendum #12: Site-19 has been accepted for further testing.
Addendum #13: Site-19 has been accepted for further testing.
Addendum #14: Site-19 has been accepted for further testing.
Addendum #15: Site-19 has been accepted for further testing.
Addendum #16: Site-19 has been accepted for further testing.