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Item #: SCP-381

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-381 is contained at Site-███. . . . and not several more.

In the event of a containment breach, an online chat room of the site will be created. Session will be run by one or more teams with the ability to create any user postmatch. MTF Nu-60 ("Ship's Bones") has been created for use in the ongoing containment of SCP-381.

The containment of SCP-381 is to be monitored at all times. The following is a list of active containment posts for SCP-381.

•Team ██████████

•Team ████████

•Team ████████

•Team ██████████


Event Description: Four (4) Keter-class "International Notebooks" are found in the front area of Site-███. The current whereabouts of these are unknown.

Team ████████, ██████████, ████████, and ████████ emerge from their respective building and engage in regular "first-principles" discussions on their "Christianity."

Team ████████ reaches the first table and voluntarily occupies it. The conversation turns positively hostile when Team ████████ mentions a sidebar discussion mentioned on site, which has been deemed offensive by the other teams.

Team ████████, ██████████, and ██████████ execute a brutal strategy against SCP-381 and SCP-██████. The team uses various postmatch or chat strategy to deal with their opponent.

Team ████████:

Mission Statement: To have no religion at all.

Approach: Find out more about SCP-381 and convince the Foundation to remove its anomalous properties.

Team ██████████:

Mission Statement: To have no religion at all.

Approach: Find more information about SCP-381 and convince the Foundation to remove its anomalous properties.

Team ██████████:

Mission Statement: To have no religion at all.

Approach: Find SCP-381 and bring it to attention in order to convince the Foundation to remove the anomalous properties.

Team ████████:

Mission Statement: To have no religion at all.

Approach: Decontaminate objects or structures in the building.

Team ████████████:

Mission Statement: Drive the Foundation off of it in order to know the truth about SCP-381.

Approach: Destroy the media surrounding SCP-381 and bring it to Foundation attention.

Team ██████████:

Mission Statement: Destroy the Foundation off of it.

Approach: Destroy SCP-381 into a solid meal.

Team ████████:

Mission Statement: Destroy the Foundation off of it.

Approach: Discredit the Foundation off of SCP-381.

Team ████████:

Mission Statement: Destroy the Foundation off of it.

Approach: Create a copy of SCP-381 in order to destroy it.

Team ██████████:

Mission Statement: Destroy the Foundation off of it.

Approach: Destroy SCP-381.

Team ██████████:

Mission Statement: Destroy any vending machine that is even in Foundation custody.

Approach: Destroy SCP-381.

Team ██████████ :

Mission Statement: Destroy all vending machines that are in Foundation custody.

Approach: Destroy vending machines that are not in Foundation custody.

Team ████████:

Mission Statement: Destroy all vending machines.

Approach: Destroy vending machines that are not in Foundation custody.

Team ██████████:

Mission Statement: Destroy all vending machines.

Approach: Destroy vending machines that are not in Foundation custody.

Team ██████████ :

Mission Statement: Destroy all vending machines.

Approach: Destroy vending machines on sight.

Team ██████████:

Mission Statement: Destroy 12 vending machines, including vending machines inside Site-███, within a ten-meter radius of Site-███.

Approach: Destroy vending machines that are not located within five feet of Site-███.

Team ████████:

Mission Statement: Destroy all computers and electronic devices on sight.

Approach: Eliminate all computers and devices in Foundation custody and residence.

Team ██████████:

Mission Statement: Destroy all computers in Site-███, including Class-D containers.

Approach: Put all computers in Foundation custody outside of Site-███.

Team ██████:

Mission Statement: Destroy all Foundation computers and devices located in Site-███, including Class-D containers, at least 16 of them.

Approach: Destroy all computers and devices of the Foundation within ten miles of Site-███.

Team ██████████:

Mission Statement

page revision: 1, last edited: 2019-05-14 12:54:21.444569
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