Item #: SCP-387
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-387 is currently stored in the Secure Containment Wing of Site-17. No attempts are to be made to "uninstall" SCP-387.
Description: SCP-387 is the designation for the collection of 3,080,000 biological tissues of a species of marine complex, called the coral registinosa. The names and species of these tissues are designated SCP-387-1, SCP-387-2, and SCP-387-3. SCP-387-1 is labelled with a button to receive a daily dose of a hormone, commonly known as the dopamine-producing hormone D-45888. It is placed in a glass jar and must be locked in a secure storage case.
SCP-387-2 is labelled with a button to receive D-45888 as a treat. To complete the research, SCP-387-2 must be fed a diet of milk, eggs, and fresh strawberries plus a daily dose of D-55888. The results of SCP-387-2's digestion are as follows:
•Subject's stomach begins to display signs of digestive disorders, often self-induced. Subjects experiencing symptoms of medical ailments report unusually heavy apasites. Subjects who ingest more than 400,000 doses are normally 5-8 times more likely than those who ingest only 800,000 doses to develop symptoms of medical ailments after ingesting 240 doses of D-45888 (or more). In less severe cases, subjects who consume at least 150 doses of SCP-387 will experience an entire personality change, including the ability to…
•Subject is unable to deal with conventional poisons and toxins, and often resort to using new-age theories in self-diagnosis. In extreme cases, the subjects will show less caution in self-preservation procedures.
•Subject appears to show no desire to return to their natural form after ingesting 240 doses of SCP-387, and withdrawal from the use of D-45888 has been documented. Despite this, subject after ingestion has a lower risk of death.
•Subject's immune system is significantly weakened (-2 to -8 times) after ingestion of 240 doses of SCP-387. An autopsy to determine cause of death is to be performed by Foundation physicians. Subject after ingesting ████ doses has been observed to display signs of extreme lethargy, as well as developing an unpleasant allergy to some foods. The ultimate cause remains unknown.
•SCP-387-3 is labeled with a button to receive a daily dose of a chemical known to cause nightmares. Upon intake of SCP-387-3, the subject also develops hallucinations of an object resembling a large, pink rug. Analysis of these hallucinations has shown that they are, in fact, the dreams or visions of the object being rolled, chased, or otherwise harmed, and are not consistent with any other phenomenon referenced by subjects. Subjects who ingest over ███,000 doses of SCP-387-3 develop a similar drug tolerance, though subjects that consume less than 0.██ thousand doses were not counted back in the study.
Description: SCP-387 is a collection of tissues of a species of marine complex, called SCP-387-1. The names and species of these tissues are designated SCP-387-2, SCP-387-3, and SCP-387-4. SCP-387-2 is labelled with a button to receive D-55888 as a treat. To complete the research, SCP-387-2 must be fed a diet of milk, eggs and fresh strawberries plus a daily dose of D-45888. The results of SCP-387-2's digestion is as follows:
•Subject's stomach begins to display signs of digestive disorders, often self-induced. Subjects experiencing symptoms of medical ailments report abnormally heavy apasites. Subjects who ingest more than 400,000 doses are normally 5-8 times more likely than those who ingest only 800,000 doses to develop symptoms of medical ailments after ingesting 240 doses of D-45888. In less severe cases, subjects who consume only 60 doses of SCP-387 will develop a half-sized version of a cat (Catfish) or a sentient leech that can turn on, and then leave the subject, if exposed to, everything in a tray.
•Subject's immune system is significantly weakened (-1 to -8 times) after ingestion of 240 doses of SCP-387. An autopsy to determine cause of death is to be conducted by Foundation physicians. Subject after ingesting ████ doses has been observed to display signs of extreme lethargy, as well as developing an unpleasant allergy to some foods. The ultimate cause remains unknown.
•SCP-387-4 is labeled with a button to receive the D-55888 as a treat. 62% of subjects who ingest 200 doses of SCP-387-4 develop multiple vocalizations. Subjects