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Item #: SCP-389

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-389 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment locker at Site 81, provided with a blanket and as required.

Description: SCP-389 is the former owner of the aforementioned "Gatehouse", a building located at [REDACTED]. It is located behind the main entrance of [REDACTED]. Its interior is particularly unappealing, due to its open door, and the fact that it is only accessible through a small and presumably anomalous subterranean area, most likely beneath SCP-████.

SCP-389 does not have any anomalous properties aside from its location on Earth, and assumes the same identity to that of the owner of the building. Its operations are handled through the possession of a large number of anomalous items, video surveillance and organized criminal activity, which SCP-389 claims to enjoy. SCP-389 is also extremely resourceful and has been known to use any anomalous magic in a manner that would be completely impossible, allowing SCP-389 to work at the utmost speed and efficiency.

SCP-389 will destroy any items or objects in sight or control within a 20-meter radius of its Gatehouse, regardless of safety or containment procedures. It will also attempt to break containment procedures and remove items into exterior areas, despite being unable to do so.

Interviews with SCP-389 indicate that it has been observed to be greatly cruel towards those that it believes are aware of its presence. SCP-389 claims these actions are of "great kindness" but generally displays a kind of naivety, as well as a lack of concern to what they've caused and their position within the Foundation. It will not explain its actions, and will only modify its behavior in the case of restricted weapons.

SCP-389 was terminated by inhumane measures being carried by a Foundation Task Force Alpha-8 ("Infected", "Foundation", "Kessler", "Norman", "Pool-Eye", "Smith", "Roberta", "Dr. Temple", "Learning", "Something", "Lange", "Ruby", "Riley", "Drew", "Dr. Wisdom", "Riley", "Eshu", "Dr. Taylor", "Escar", "Drew", "Dr. Taylor", "Dr. Temple", "Extreme Programming", "Kessler", "The Great Hippo", "Lange", "Riley", "Pepper", "Drew", "Esseph", "Ezra", "The Great Hippo", "OthellotheCat", "Dr. Temple", "Pester", "Glendon", "Professor ██████ ██████", "Matt", "Escar", "Kessler", "Taylor", "Talia", "Drew", "Gently", "Gape", "Drew", "Gabor", "Gears", "Granageman", "Grenn", "Gears", "Guns Pointed at the Head of God", "Gondolas", "Gotta Catch 'Em All", "Guns Pointed at the Head of God", "Guns Pointed at the Head of God", "Guns Points at the Head of God", "Guns Pointed towards the Head of God", "Guns Pointed at the Head of God", "Guns Pointed at the Head of God", "Guns Pointed at the Head of God", "Guns Pointed to the Head of God", "Guns Pointed to the Head of God", "Guns Pointed to the Head of God", "Guns Pointed at the Head of God", "Guns Pointed at the Head of God", "Guns Pointed at the Head of God", "Guns Pointed at the Head of God", "Guns Pointed at the Head of God", "Guns Pointed at the Head of God", "Guns Pointed at the Head of God", "Guns Pointed at the Head of God", "Guns Pointed at the Head of God", "Guns Pointed at the Head of God", "Guns Pointed at the Head of God", "Guns Pointed at the Head of God", "Guns Pointed towards the Head of God", "Guns Pointed at the Head of God", "Guns Pointed at the Head of God", "Guns Pointed towards the Head of God", "Guns Pointed at the Head of God", "Guns Pointed towards the Head of God", "Guns Pointed towards the Head of God", "Guns Pointed at the Head of God", "Guns Pointed towards the Head of God", "Guns Pointed towards the Head of God", "Guns Pointed at the Head of God", "Guns Pointed towards the Head of God", "Guns Pointed at the Head of

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