Item #: SCP-555
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-555 is not to be kept in a humanoid containment chamber. Any staff who are infected with SCP-555 will report feeling the presence of the presence of SCP-555.
Description: SCP-555 was previously contained in an ornate wood-lined room in ███████ ██, ███████, which was later used to transport SCP-555 to a storage room at Site-53. Although the area was not a human containment room at the time, the artisans surrounding SCP-555 are reported to have "found" or "found" SCP-555 in this area.
Addendum 555-01:
•Research Log: SCP-555-A
•SCP-555-B: Part Two (mission statement)
•SCP-555-C: Part Three (mission statement)
Material Sample for SCP-555, as presented in Experiment 5555-A
Item #: SCP-555
Object Class: Container
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-555 is to be stored in a locked steel safety cabinet with a lifelike "number" printed on it (see Experiment 5555-A). The storage cabinet has not been modified since ██/██/20██. No external access is to be allowed.
Description: SCP-555 is a Serial Number-based potentially anomalous object (SCP-555-A). The total number of SCP-555 that can be accessed is yet to be determined. SCP-555 will, when accessed, display the artworks of an unknown author of a given name. When SCP-555 is used, the number displayed will change with the name in order to indicate the artist's name and national origin. Painting revealed by SCP-555 is indecipherable to the naked eye. No other changes in paint are visible.
SCP-555-A is a collective of seven myriads of various different paintings. The paintings have been identified to originate from all across the world. The Foundation has deciphered the artworks, but is unable to discern a methodology for solving the pieces.
SCP-555-B is a colored gelatinous cube, approximately 1.5m in diameter and 3.2m in height. In the center of SCP-555-A is a colorless speck. The speck grows in the shape of a stylized chicken ear. Based on the stability of the styrofoam container and the surrounding surface, it is thought that the bird is an insect. Variably colored and slightly colored in light, the speck is said to "walk" by moving its weight against an ice cube. This motion stabilizes the container in the center and makes it more solid and stable. The appearance of the commonly observed gray-blue color is also consistent with this motion.
SCP-555-C refers to a collection of assorted paintings of a differing hue. The painting is believed to have originated from any number of independent nations or groups of people. The colors of SCP-555-C will be represented as the number on a Mylar-brand Eris-brand paperweight. The percentage of each color actually being one of the seven original paintings is not known. However, the appearance of this color is not consistent between paintings, and paintchromes have shown consistency between paintings' colors.
Addendum 555-02:
•Experiment 555-A: The Pen (discovery)
•Experiment 555-B: I Feel Fine (discovery)
•Experiment 555-C: The Bottle (discovery)
•Experiment 555-C: Answers (return to research document <55-424>
Addendum 555-03:
On ██-██-20██ while reading SCP-555, a mobile task force (RAD) was sent to ████████, █████, where SCP-555 was being kept and discovered that SCP-555 had been moved to a storage room. Agents turned up as a gift for Dr. █████'s brother, who kindly gave it back. It was later discovered that SCP-555 had also been moved to a storage room at Site-53.
Addendum 555-04:
•Experiment 555-A
•Experiment 555-B
•Experiment 555-C
•Experiment 555-D
Experiment 555-A:
•Experiment 555-A
•Experiment 555-A
Experiment 555-B:
•Experiment 555-B
Experiment 555-C:
•Experiment 555-C
Experiment 555-C:
•Experiment 555-C
Experiment 555-D:
•Experiment 555-D