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Item #: SCP-588

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: The area surrounding SCP-588-1 is designated as Site-22. Due to the effect that SCP-588 can have on living things, containment is possible. A security personnel (currently two personnel MTF-Sciptera) is to be inside surrounding area. If necessary, two Foundation personnel (MTF-Alpha-78 and -87) with Level 3 or higher security clearance (MTF-A-76, -97) may be made present.

In the event of SCP-588-2 being discovered by an anomaly, the subject must be terminated by immediate killing. A cover story is to be given before the event.

Description: SCP-588 is an instance of SCP-588-1. The object’s anomalous properties, though it is possible to destroy, kill, or otherwise remove SCP-588-2, are ultimately dependent on the object being kept in question.

SCP-588-1 is an ███ metre long circular object, with an internal volume of 25.5m.

SCP-588-1 was created in ██████, ██. It is constructed primarily out of ██████-brand copper alloy of ~4 different grades. A large number of small lumps, glass spheres, and tubes protrude from the center of the object. The ceiling of the room is entirely devoid of light. The object is approximately 1,800m high.

The object was recovered from a residence, ██████ ████ in ████, ██.

SCP-588-2 appears to be Dr. ███████, SCP-588-1’s creator. SCP-588-2 was a 37 year old man living under the name “Mathies”.

SCP-588-2 remained unharmed throughout the SCP-588 event until the ████ █████ Day. Dr. ███████ disappeared from his quarters.


Interviewed: D-157622

Interviewer: Dr. █████

Foreword: Dr. █████ was scheduled to examine SCP-588-1 until it was stabilized and returned to Site-22 for an evaluation. D-157622 has been on suicide watch for three days.

>Audio Log Transcript

-Audio Log Transcript

Dr. █████: Good morning, █████. How are you feeling?

SCP-588-2: I’m fine.

Dr. █████: Are you aware of how SCP-588-1 behaves?

SCP-588-2: It’s trying to kill me! It’s trying to kill me!

Dr. █████: What is the object trying to kill you?

SCP-588-2: It’s trying to kill me. It’s trying to kill me!

Dr. █████: Please stand by. Can you tell me that you have the power to stop the object from killing you?

SCP-588-2: It’s trying to kill me. It’s trying to kill me!

Dr. █████: Can you explain what you mean by this?

SCP-588-2: It’s trying to kill me! It’s trying to kill me! It’s trying to kill me!

Dr. █████: Please stand by. Can you tell me that you have the power to stop the object from killing you?

SCP-588-2: It wants me! It wants me! It wants me! It wants me! It wants me! It wants me! It wants me!

Dr. █████: Can you tell me who you are?

SCP-588-2: It wants me! It wants me! It wants me!

Dr. █████: Please stand by. Can you tell me who you are?

SCP-588-2: It wants me! It wants me! It wants me! It wants me! It wants me! It wants me! It wants me!

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