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Item #: SCP-599

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-599 is currently contained at Site-212.

Description: SCP-599 is an anomalous item which affects all life within a radius of 5 metres or less.

SCP-599 is able to inactivate any organic material in the area, killing any organic life.

Approximately an hour after SCP-599 is activated, SCP-599 emits a pink-orange liquid that can be called "tactical neurocase", which, when heated, causes the subject to feel simultaneously as if they are being killed by all manner of suspicious entities and/or objects.

Note: A task force technician contacted by the task force has become aware of this fact, and has set up an unfazed mission to terminate SCP-599 and destroy the area.

Addendum: The blue blue pill contains a substance which is softer than SCP-599's material. The yellow blue pill contains a substance significantly denser than SCP-599's material.

1.Chemicals cannot be detected in either substance. It appears to be non-conductive but is effective.

2.Jaccard-Class Anomaly.


4.Dangerous to human life.

5.Effective against machines and man.


7.Dangerous to the environment.


9.Dangerous to the life of the Universe.

10.Definitely not illegal.

11.Should be destroyed.

12.Dangerous to organizational instructions.

13.Dangerous to Foundation intelligence.

14.Dangerous to the life of the Emperor.

15.Dangerous to any anomalous entity.

16.Dangerous to Foundation intelligence.

17.Dangerous to and including Humanity itself.

18.Dangerous to the life of the Emperor.

19.Dangerous to the lives of all humans.

20.Dangerous to the lives of the Emperor and SCP-600.

21.Excellently dangerous.

22.Very effective against any anomalous entity of higher intelligence.

23.Administrative staff may be held responsible for any injury or destruction caused.

24.Life-Induring Procedure 800-Advance-PSM-Choudairia-III.

25.Approximately 10 times more effective than the blue pill.

26.Approximately 100 times more effective than the yellow pill.

27.Approximately 2000 times more effective than the blue pill.

28.Approximately 10 times more effective than the yellow pill.

29.Approximately 100 times more effective than the blue pill.

30.Approximately 20 times more effective than the yellow pill.

31.Approximately 100 times more effective than the blue pill.

32.Approximately 200 times more effective than the blue pill.

33.Approximately 300 times more effective than the blue pill.

34.Approximately 400 times more effective than the blue pill.

35.Approximately 500 times more effective than the blue pill.

36.Approximately 6000 times more effective than the blue pill.

37.Approximately 800 times more effective than the blue pill.

38.Approximately 10 million times more effective than the blue pill.

39.Approximately 50 million times more effective than the blue pill.

40.Approximately 100 million times more effective than the blue pill.

41.Approximately 500 times more effective than the blue pill.

42.Approximately 500 times more effective than the blue pill.

43.Approximately 2000 times more effective than the blue pill.

44.Approximately 10 million times more effective than the blue pill.

45.Approximately 500 times more effective than the blue pill.

46.Approximately 1000 times more effective than the blue pill.

47.Approximately 150 times more effective than the blue pill.

48.Approximately 1500 times more effective than the blue pill.

49.Approximately 2 million more effective than the blue pill.

50.Approximately 4 million more effective than the blue pill.

51.Approximately 5 million more effective than the blue pill.

52.Approximately 7 million more effective than the blue pill.

53.Approximately 10 million more effective than the blue pill.

54.Approximately 100 million more effective than the blue pill.

55.Approximately 1 billion more effective than the blue pill.

56.Approximately 1 trillion more effective than the blue pill.

57.Approximately 20 trillion more effective than the blue pill.

58.Approximately 20 trillion more effective than the blue pill.

59.Approximately 200 trillion more effective than the blue pill.

60.Approximately 200 trillion more effective than the blue

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