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Item #: SCP-607

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-607 is stored in a remote location in Site-19. Personnel are to not interact with SCP-607 unless they are reasonably certain the object will keep itself away from any other personnel or persons. Considering the objections of someone who considers therebe'sundonelectoitualpropertytoremoveitfromaddiction, SCP-607 is to be locked in a low-value storage unit. SCP-607 is to be vibrated when not in use. In the event the object is repeatedly triggered, it is to be removed.

Description: SCP-607 is a small wooden tablet, measuring 2.5cm wide and 2.5cm thick. There are 88 messages written on the surface of SCP-607. The messages appear to be written entirely in what is known as "Langauge script."

The root letters, which are written in a western Malay dialect, describe a collection of artifacts and techniques devised by the "Temple of the Man-Made," or "Temple of the Man-Made religions," as it is known in modern Southeast Asian languages. There are a total of 148,873 verses inscribed on SCP-607.

The writing on the reverse of the writing on the tablet (left to secure its place) is written in English.

Some messages are translated into an Punjabi language, likely to communicate to the Man-Made religion that SCP-607 will return within 72 hours if the writing is removed. In 2009, SCP-607 was found in the house of █████ ██████, a 37-year-old man living in his home in the Malay city of Surabaya.

When SCP-607 is deactivated, the Man-Made religion must be punished, and the Man-Made religion must be taught.

It is not known if the Man-Made religion uses SCP-607 as its means of breeding other"Temples of the Man-Made." This is a logical assumption.

Information Regarding SCP-607

Brief Summary Of Letter:

•1/5/13 - We do not know what the man did to make people bow to his will. His large number of servants does not make him perfect, but his great amount of blood does.

•9/5/14 - We do not know what the man did to make people fear him. Some believe that he was a monster that roams the earth, whilst others believe that he was born from his own blood. Is it possible that he was a malevolent monster?

•15/5/14 - We do not know what the man did to make people repent. 79% of the people (including those in contact with SCP-607) have told us that they have not made any kind of formal request.

•15/1/14 - It is possible to leave SCP-607 without killing SCP-607 or removing it from the public area. For someone to enter SCP-607 yet still come back after 2/7/14, they must have run into the █████ drank from SCP-607's fountains.

•15/2/14 - We do not know what the man did.

•12/3/14 - We do not know what the man did.

•12/4/14 - We do not know who the man is.

•12/5/14 - We do not know what the man did.

•12/6/14 - The Man-Made Religion will break the world, so now we must protect it.

•12/7/14 - You must not kill SCP-607.

•12/8/14 - We do not know what the man did.

•12/9/14 - The man is on, threatening people, his numbers are on, and the Man-Made Religion will break him.

•12/10/14 - We do not know where the Man-Made Religion will end up. Some believe that it will end up wherever there are enough Man-Makers.

•12/11/14 - We do not know what the man did.

•12/12/14 - It is possible to escape-but we must protect-from the Man-Makers and the Man-Made Religion will break them.

•12/13/2014 - We do not know what the man did.

•12/14/2014 - I am afraid.

•12/15/2014 - I do not believe in the Man-Made Religion, but some believe that the Man-Makers will be with us however long it is necessary.

•12/16/2014 - We do not want to die. We only do what the Man-Makers tell us to do.

•12/17/2019 - We do not want to die. We only do what the Man

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