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Item #: SCP-606

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: The area containing SCP-606 is covered by an electromagnetic-absorbing firewall over the dining room to prevent non-authorized person's from entering. The south entry walkway is to be jammed with barrier material and is to not be turned on or removed from the outside.

SCP-606 is to be kept at -3C in a 4 x 4 meter x 4 meter containment chamber. The chamber must be filled with at least four (4) U-Haul Pan-Lady models equipped with auto-uncrew, helium-filled fuel cell.

If SCP-606's containment chamber requires liquid oxygen or liquid nitrogen for the purpose of normal operation, it must be filled with hydrofluoric acid prior to usage.

SCP-606 must be fed two (2) liters of salt water per day, to be replaced with seawater if the water level inside the chamber cannot be achieved.

All personnel assigned to SCP-606 are to wear their "T sings to the deck" auditory clearance badge every day until the following six (6) days have passed. After this has been achieved, the personnel must not be separated.

Description: SCP-606 is a white-water raft that can be operated according to the following recipe:


1 . Big lump of cast-off boat material (have no gap)

1. Apple-branch bolt mechanism

1. Apple-branch bolt (with hand-fired trigger)

1. Apple-branch bolt (with hand-fired trigger)

1. Apple-branch bolt driven into anything within it.

1. Apple-branch bolt driven into anything within it.

4. Rock saltwater

2. Soundproofing

4. Fatty fish

5. #2: apple-branch bolt

As above, so below

3. Simple Ma'atan

3. Something you can't hold onto

3. Something you can't carry

3. Something you can't hold onto

3. Something you can't hold onto

3. Something you can't hold onto

4. Green foodstuff

4. Evergreen vegetables

4. Swarming pests

4. And stuff the sea

4. With a little education

4. The ultimate in crowding

4. And nails

4. and nails

4. and nails

4. And nails

4. Non-native and exotic animals in particular.

4. Non-community humans in particular.

4. Non-human animals

4. Animals that can't swim

4. Animals that can't fly

4. And stuff the seas with stuff

4. and nails

4. And stuff the skies with stuff

4. and nails

4. and nails

4. And stuff the edges of the earth with stuff

4. and nails

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4-4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4-4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4-4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4-4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4-4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4-4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4-4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4-4. And stuff the earth with stuff

4. And stuff the earth with stuff

page revision: 1, last edited: 2019-05-14 12:54:21.877513
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