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Item #: SCP-609

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: A standard containment area of no less than 10 meters in size has been constructed around the area in question. Under no circumstances are personnel to approach SCP-609-1.

Description: SCP-609-1 is a small black aluminum box containing two issues from SCP-609-1. To date, no other record of the publishing of SCP-609-1 has been found.

When opened, SCP-609-1 will reveal itself and the required issue.

When the issue is in effect, SCP-609-1 will reveal itself and the required issue.

When the issue is not in effect, SCP-609-1 will leave.

Profession: Level 3 or higher

Accession: Acknowledged

Ethics Committee Note: Personnel who disclose information to SCP-609-1 are not to be informed of its purpose.

Threat Level: None

Summary of Procedure 1: SCP-609-1 is to be locked inside a green padded, opaque storage compartment. After five minutes, SCP-609-1 will release and reappear.

The field agent in charge of a search is to prepare a thorough internal investigation of SCP-609-1 to determine any anomalous effects of the item in question.

Once the field agent has completed this investigation, the item in question is to be hidden away and contained.

Methods of containment: Containment of the item is to proceed as indicated.

Notes: Neither the item itself nor the containment procedures are to be used on descendants of persons known to have had knowledge of SCP-609-1.

Incident Report, 19/10/██

To: Head Researcher Dr. K█████

To: Researcher N███

Subject: Reclassified object 2

To: Researcher T███████

Subject: SCP-609-2

Due to its inability to be produced by any means, SCP-609-2 was originally assumed to have no anomalous properties. This assumption, however, is disputed by a significant number of researchers around the world.

To find a way to address the issue, a new classification has been devised. SCP-609-2 has been marked as SCP-609-3, as the ultimate purpose of SCP-609-2 is unknown.


Addendum: SCP-609-3

To: Dr. K█████

To: Researcher N███

Subject: SCP-609-3


The original packaging of SCP-609-3.

To: Researcher O███

To: Dr. K█████

To: Dr. N███

To: Dr. A█████

To: Dr. Z███

To: Dr. A█████

To: Dr. A█████

To: Researcher N███

To: Dr. Z███

To: Dr. K█████

To: Dr. K█████

To: Researcher Z███

To: Dr. K█████

To: Researcher Dr. L█████

To: Researcher Dr. Z███

To: Dr. K█████

To: Dr. K█████

To: Dr. N███

To: Dr. R█████

To: Dr. K█████

To: Dr. R█████

To: Researcher Dr. K█████

To: Researcher Dr. K█████

To: Dr. J███

To: Researcher Dr. L█████

To: Researcher Dr. K█████

To: Dr. K█████

To: Dr. L█████

To: Researcher Dr. K█████

To: Dr. K█████

To: Dr. K█████

To: Researcher Dr. J███

To: Dr. K█████

To: Dr. B█████

To: Researcher Dr. J███

To: Irrelevant

To: Dr. B█████

To: Dr. K█████

To: Dr. L█████

To: Dr. Dr. N███

To: Dr. K█████

To: Dr. K█████

To: Dr. K█████

To: Dr. J███

To: Researcher Dr. K█████

To: Dr. K█████

To: Dr. N███

To: Dr. K█████

To: Dr.

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