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Item #: SCP-611

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-611 is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment chamber in Site 19 for observation. During the discovery of SCP-611, it was discovered that it is indestructible, due to the fact that it is non-various and not universal in nature. To prevent creation of sub-volcanic entities, SCP-611 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment chamber to prevent accidental creation of an SCP-611-1 instance.

Description: SCP-611 is a free personality, within the meaning of current science, who is capable of creating SCP-611-1 instances. SCP-611 is composed of the mind-controlling parts of SCP-611-1, acting as a braincruncher/brain-eaters and protecting SCP-611-1 instances inside the chamber by consuming it. If SCP-611-1 instances are created within the chamber, they will be protected by the mind-controlling components of SCP-611 until they expire.

SCP-611 was created by a man named ███████████, in ████ ████. The reason behind SCP-611's creation is unknown, though several theories have been proposed.

SCP-611-1 instances are sentient and intelligent beings of mass proportions. SCP-611-1 instances appear to be massless and incorporeal in the sense of non-physical entities that are isolated from SCP-611-1. SCP-611-1 instances are capable of functioning as a braincrawler/brain-eaters, though this is typically not planned or executed as a collective. In SCP-611-1 instances, SCP-611-1 possesses a wide range of knowledge, and SCP-611-1 instances make all the conscious decisions necessary for the tissue exchange between SCP-611-1 and SCP-611-1 and governs SCP-611's procedures to ensure that SCP-611-1 instances are not created during the discovery of SCP-611.

The following records of SCP-611-1 instances are recovered from Documentation Log-611-1, which were recovered at Site 19 after its initial discovery by MTF Epsilon-7 ("Sirens"). Dr.1701 OSach/1701 SCP-611

Dr.1701 / SCP-611 was formerly in the service of the shepherding of SCP-611's stomach back into its containing chamber. SCP-611 used SCP-611-1 as a means to live and so was able to make SCP-611-1 instances. SCP-611's stomach was moved to Site-19 and quickly lost its special containment conditions. It was later decided by Dr. N████, that "peace and order" was unacceptable and that SCP-611 should be released.

The following are some records recovered from SCP-611's containment chamber.


In the following circumstances, SCP-611-1-135842:

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In the following circumstances, SCP-611-1-135842:

In the following circumstances, SCP-611-1-135842

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