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Item #: SCP-618

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-618 is to be contained in a standard security lockbox at Sector-19, with an armed guard at all times. Personnel entering and exiting SCP-618 are to be checked and led back to the quarantine area.

Description: SCP-618 appears to be a common portrait of a single individual, the subject of the painting. As SCP-618 could never be fully considered a construction, there are no signs of vandalism; however, objects within approximately one meter of the painting are theorized to have been transported from SCP-618's containment center.

SCP-618 is capable of leaving the quarantine area after entering the quarantine area. However, SCP-618 will return to the quarantine area once it leaves, if commanded to.

SCP-618 currently possesses a number of anomalous properties:

•All objects within one meter are considered "food" by SCP-618's containment staff.

•All objects moving from the quarantine area are considered "food" by SCP-618's containment staff.

•All objects not entering the quarantine area are considered "food" by SCP-618. (See Document 618-A8.)

•All objects entering the quarantine area but not being moved are considered "food" by SCP-618. Said objects will disappear if approached by examination personnel.

•Every object in the quarantine area is considered "food" by SCP-618.

•The quarantine area is considered "safe" by SCP-618.

•Every object in quarantine area or not being moved is considered "food" by SCP-618.

•The quarantine area is considered "safe" by SCP-618.

•Every object in quarantine area is considered "food" by SCP-618.

•The quarantine area is considered "safe".

•Every object, construction, or personnel entry into or out of the quarantine area is considered "food" by SCP-618.

•The quarantine area is not considered "safe".

•Every object being stored in the quarantine area is considered food.

•All items being used in the quarantine area are considered "food" by SCP-618.

•The quarantine area is considered "safe".

•Every object in quarantine area is considered "food" by SCP-618.

•Every object stored in the quarantine area is considered food.

•SCP-618 will return to the quarantine area.

Document 618-A8:

A list of objects that have come into contact with SCP-618's self-constructed subject:

•A 3-liter soda can that appears to be filled with a moderate amount of black, black-brown, or yellow liquid

•An unaltered copy of a painting by an artist less than a century of age, which appears to be SCP-618

•Three maps of the Earth in English and Spanish, with an estimated accuracy of somewhere between 150 and 300 kilometers away

•A variety of fruit and vegetable flavoring, containing at least four ingredients of alien origin (see Document 618-A7)

•A large quantity of sweets, candies, and torteel-flavored lollipop sticks

•Researcher's Note

•The phrase "food" is used evocatively.

•A transvestite costume (see Document 618-A4)

•A hand-held lamp (see Document 618-A5)

•A large-bottomed refrigerator containing a glass jug of varying composition

•A 2-liter water supply

•No present sample of alcohol or other intoxicating substances is present in SCP-618's containment area

•Vasocolazione is operational and is leaking nitric acid

•Modern-day art replicas of 618 are present in SCP-618's containment area

•The first reported instance of SCP-618's built-in anomalous properties was SCP-618-2, a painting by Baluša Kut, a professional artist of the 17th century, which was found to be a mass of materials and parts.

•After this containment breach, SCP-618 was fully-observed.

•Anomalous objects were recovered and disposed of.

•Archival and historical material recovered from SCP-618-2 have been donated to Site-19.

Document 750-C:

Subjects that have come into contact with SCP-618's self-constructed subject:

•A healthy field of Scranton Reality Anchors that are healed from any trauma or illness. Subject will be able to feel the reality of this world and react accordingly.

•An approximation of what life is really like for the average, average, and actually happy adult. This state will remain indefinitely until after the individual expires.

•A large, filled house being constructed within SCP-618's self-constructed subject. There,

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