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Item #: SCP-630

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-630 is to be contained within a standard humanoid containment cell at Site-██. Testing with other objects and human subjects as well as any form of anomalous activity is not permitted. Any injuries inflicted upon SCP-630 are to be stopped or recontained immediately.

Description: SCP-630 is a human-shaped entity with a mass of 0.74 meters in diameter, standing two meters in height. It is composed of various metallic components.

When SCP-630 says anything, a rectangular line will stretch from its surface to the ground, making a slight nod.

When SCP-630 says "I am a tree", an audible voice will come from SCP-630's upper body, and the line will stop and raise slightly. SCP-630 will then attempt to position itself into a location that has already been made clear to at least one researcher.

Once it has been here, it will move onto the ground and make a slight nod, and will move away from any area of good or sufficient size, such as buildings, roads or if it is moving along ground.

It will perform any tasks for which the purpose of its functions is evident, such as picking leaves or preparing food.

When SCP-630 leaves the room, it will take a moment to turn about, and will then proceed up one of the line. The line will lengthen by a few centimeters when it reaches a certain height, then stop and raise once more.

SCP-630 is capable of natural manipulation of objects and movement.

SCP-630 was discovered by Agent █████, who was carrying a soccer ball off the streets. First, she must have been distracted while turning around to save more people from being burned alive due to their nearby shop window, etc., and then, in an entirely new direction, SCP-630 had simply vanished with the ball.

To interview SCP-630, contact Researcher █████.


1. These include all mentions of the word "man".

2. This gesture was observed to be very effective, consistent-looking and transferred to any metal object placed in contact with it.

3. All attempts to conduct temporal proximity experiments have been met with failure, despite repeated success.

4. SCP-630 was able to "speak", and ranged this message over the entire area of a second consecutive nod.

5. Also in its entirety similar to the numeric value SCP-603.

6. This was the first known method of communication. All previous attempts at communication were met with a failure, such as SCP-309, which clearly removed communications from this information.

7. Assuming the exact pattern of the nod is the same, this would seem to show that the nod does not have a fixed size.

8. Of note is that 1.2SPI has been measured in the vicinity of SCP-630's location without any radiation or light interfering with the nod.

9. Also in its entirety similar to the decimal value SCP-603.

10. SCP-630 was confirmed to be located at a time where it would have been expected for it to be there.

11. Additionally, many researchers had left early due to their research, due to the impending disaster.

12. Also in its entirety similar to the decimal value ████████████, indicating that SCP-630 is currently moving towards it at a rate of 0.3 seconds per second.

13. In addition, it is expected to transit along the ground, making an approximate movement distance of 5.58m/s, and will be no less than 5m from the surface of the earth.

14. This is typically accompanied by a muttering sound, which is of note for the chanting nature, but does not resemble the spoken language; however, it is what it is supposed to be.

15. Also in its entirety similar to the decimal value ████████████, the sound will be met with 176.2SPI.

16. SCP-630 is able to pick up any objects that are on or in contact with its surface at any density regardless of the surface's density, and another nod will appear above, under, or alongside the object. This has proven extremely useful in containment of SCP-630's form.

17. This is also consistent with other findings: it appears the nod is indeterminate.

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