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Item #: SCP-641

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: The item is contained in a controlled, 6m x 6m x 6m modified copper containment chamber in Research Lab-101. The floor of the chamber must be lined with a rock of at least 2.5cm thickness. Any petpets present in the containment chamber must be removed immediately.

Description: SCP-641 is an antique brass reed tablet holding an inscription of unknown composition and date. The inscription is written on the bottom

“█████ ██ █████,” and is followed by a “+”.

SCP-641 was recovered at ██████ ██, ██████ a −████, and at ███ ████ ████, ███████ a “█,” within a large low-gradeer’s workshop.

Approximately one hour after moving to a new location, initiated by a bell tapping in the nearby office wall, and returning via a drain to research lab-101, the item was discovered in [DATA EXPUNGED] at [REDACTED] on ██-██-22 to the work of Professor █████████████ ██ O██, a notable academic.

While the reason for the item’s acquisition is unknown, it was initially believed that the anomalous effect caused raw material to form on the wall of the containment chamber, which then transformed into a brass reed. After a firework was seen by a passerby, it escalated in severity to a full-scale explosion. The results were disastrous, resulted in the ██████ ██ ██ ████ losing a small fraction of its original composition. While the weapon was destroyed, the entire anomaly was ­actively contained until [REDACTED] had become the source of its current state.

As of ██-██-22, no enraged dildo is permitted in any Class D building using the former premise of a containment chamber. It is almost certainly possible to animate objects in containment, but it is highly risky in the presence of a powerful weapon.

SCP█: SCP-641-1 is an animate bronze rod chained to a wall. It is painted — with the object “acknowledged as “holy” to Professor O██” — in an indeterminate hexagram (see Incident #: SCP-641-G) and is indelibly written on the wall in large white letters. The text of the inscription is '███ ██ ████ █ ████, at ████-██-██.'

Approximately 11 minutes after the item was seen on the wall, a human-sized black cat (Felis catus) was placed into the containment chamber through the hole in the wall and materialized as a mirror, its eyes burning iridescent shadows.

The reflection revealed to the passage contained the original inscription, along with other inclusions: “███ ██ ████ ████ ██,” engraved on the wall in a serpent’s shape, and “███ ████ ██ ████ ███,” engraved in a bull’s skull.

As of ██-██-23, The item has been designated SCP-641-1. SCP-641-1 is contained under strict full supervision of at least one Level 4 personnel.



Contacting this document via any method will register it as opposed to other versions of its consistency.

Of note is the mention of “███ ██ ████.”

The inscribed text is all diacritical letters and numbers in English format, except the footnotes and – 3.



Contacting this document via any method will register it as opposed to other versions of its consistency.

Of note is the mention of “███ ██ ████.”

The inscribed text is all diacritical letters and numbers in English format, except the footnotes and – 3.



Contacting this document via any method will register it as opposed to other versions of its consistency.

Of note is the mention of “███ ██ ███ and “███ ████” alongside “███ ██ ██ “██ ████,” meaning “███ ██ ████ ████ ████,” and “███ ██ ███” meaning “███ ███

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