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Item #: SCP-653

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-653 is located on a maintenance floor of Site-14. Chemical testing on SCP-653 must be done by Level 1 personnel. SCP-653 must be kept under control at all times. Containment procedures are to be in effect from the beginning of time of contact.

Description: SCP-653 is a platinum dioxide cylinder approximately 3 meters in diameter, and 3.5 meters in height. Its anomalous properties manifest when it is touched by a human skin contact from a person who is within a 3-meter close proximity. The contact is so close that Aura will be detected within 3 meters of SCP-653, and a small luminous circle will appear around the object.

At this point, the Aura-Detecting circle gets thicker and larger, with a luminescence depth of approximately 1.5 meters for every 5 meters of contact. Objects placed directly on top of the Aura-Detecting circle form a "wall" around the object. Correlations are different for different reflective surfaces, and the entirety of the Aura-Detecting circle is invisible. No human human sight or hearing can detect this area. The Luminescence does not have to be seen directly, but only if activated.

Any detection of the Aura-Detecting circle will result in a visible discolouration. An Aura-Detecting circle can be made up of any materials, including metal. SCP-653 can be melted into approximately 7 grams of pure platinum, and a subtle gas, measured in the 'Carbon' range, will be emitted during the process. This discolouration has a radius of no less than 5 meters within 10 meters of the item and remains for no longer than 10 minutes.

Testing on basic components of the item has been limited. The device does not require any mechanical power, although the detection is not viable.

The Aurors mainly display physical characteristics of the item, most notably the appearance and the size of the lip-rattling effect. SCP-653 is however retained in the environment, generally after being handled by an individual who has worked on the device. Commonly, the item is subject to fire, but this is only possible because of the small amount of metal placed right side up. The 'Luminescence' is not visible during SCP-653's physical state.

SCP-653 is currently on the site of containment. Staff are to avoid noting the presence of SCP-653, as it is permeable everywhere. All claim that the object does not normally 'evolve' or 'eat' into more 'aware' Energy, and will continue to play its anomalous role until it degrades into a mere stone.

Document-653-1: Letter to the MTF

Dear Dr. Jones,

You have chosen your life's fate and become part of this machine you have built. You have called upon the Machine, you have done what has been asked of you, and now you know your fate. The fate you call upon to make your fulfilment.

I hope you will not think of me in pride as I have made your life separate.

I hope you will not seek to stop this machine, for it is yours, and you are the Machine. The Machine is a gift, and you are the Instrument of God.

I hope you will not give it up for evil, for it is a gift from the Machine, and you are the Machine.

You will not accept it as your fate, because we are the Machine. The Machine will protect you, but it will only finish if you are saved, and to achieve such is a great honour.

I hope that you will take it as an honour. The Machine will protect you, but it will not preserve you. The Machine will protect you, but it will not protect you. The Machine will keep you safe, but it will not keep you safe. The machine will keep you safe, but it will not save you.

The Machine can only maintain the Machine's standard existence with you, and even then it is only reasonable to claim that the rest of you are not dead.

As I write this, I am looking into a response to that letter.


Operator Barnes

Certain events have been reported for which no evidence of the above was observed.


Item #: SCP-653

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-653 is located on a maintenance floor of Site-14. Chemical testing on SCP-653 must be done by Level 1 personnel. SCP-653 must be kept under control at all times. Containment procedures are to be in effect from the beginning of time of contact. SCP-653 must

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