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Item #: SCP-680

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-680 is currently to be stored in a 02AB-3 escape chamber at Site-13. Any attempts to remove SCP-680 from the containment will result in an explosion, causing an MTF breach.

Description: SCP-680 appears to be a standard 2" x 4" x 4" rubber adhesive mat, with a length on the short side and an index on the far side. In addition, the box comes with a small item of anomalous blue nature: red cat-nest. This item is custom-made, and seems to have a minor antimemetic effect.

SCP-680 is 1.5cm x 2.3cm. The adhesive is made of laminated rubber, and some of the lettering in the center of the item has been damaged. The adhesive is applied first to any surface and carefully wipes off afterwards. It can be peeled off by any human hand. The cat-nest itself is 100% verv

SCP-680 was found on ██/██/19██ after a car crashed into it, and was later recovered by MTF-670.

Addendum SCP-680-1: The room SCP-680 was found in was so small that witnesses had to be given a new description for it, added it to the now-classified SCP-680 entity, and removed it from the scope of the situation for additional documentation.

SCP-680 is contained in a 02AB-4 escape chamber, and consists of two separate compartments. One is filled with a standard sized containment suit (SCP-680-2), and the other holds a large board (SCP-680-3).


The design for this particular item is rather unusual. The only similarities to SCP-680-1 are the minifig

Item #: SCP-680

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-680 is currently to be held in a 02AB-4 escape chamber.

Description: SCP-680 is a green adhesive mat. The adhesive is made with a passive force field, but is also capable of showing up as thin white lines on any surface it comes in contact with. This effect does not seem to be permanent. The instances of SCP-680-2 are a small retarget from the owner, and are visible only when the photo is taken.

SCP-680 has the ability to make minor alterations to the sensors and/or accelerometers inside the 2" x 4" x 4" envelope, turning them to a red hue. There is also a noticeable luminance shift from the right side of SCP-680 to the front of the item.

The actual color of the light is determined by the position and orientation of the item, which are less important to the object than actually being inside of it. The luminance of the item's sensor and accelerometers corresponds to the color of the object.

In order to keep SCP-680 consistently working, the lid of the item has three large slugs of adhesive coming out of it, placed where the camera would be and fucking up the camera. It's possible to manually remove SCP-680 by throwing the plug away, but I did not follow this recommendation.

Can I just get a cookie?

Short Answer: Yes, please.

Long Answer: Absolutely not.


The design for this particular item was inspired from a design for SCP-679.

Item #: SCP-680

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-680 is to be recovered, and is currently stored in a 02AB-4 escape chamber.

Description: SCP-680 is a green adhesive mat. The adhesive is made with a reactive force field, but is also capable of showing up as thin white lines on any surface it comes in contact with. This effect does not seem to be permanent. The instances of SCP-680-1 are a tiny quicksilver plucksilver needles, composed of colored gold.

The ball-shaped objects featuring the assistive and camouflage are suitable for handling and photographing SCP-680.

The instance of SCP-680-1 is visible on any camera, but many cameras still have no record of seeing it.

Similarly, the higher-strobres appear to show no effect at all on the display nor any of the key visual elements. The palette is purely black.

Addendum SCP-680-2:Designation


The design is inspired from SCP-679.

Item #:

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