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Item #: SCP-681

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-681 is currently in a secure storage facility containing redundant tracks and hardware for the temporal fusing process. Armed guards are stationed in each room of the storage unit.

Description: SCP-681 is a silver 3/4-inch analog analog clock, stylized with a square face. SCP-682 appears to be an ordinary model 1950s industrial clock with no anomalous properties. SCP-682 was discovered in ██████, Mechanical Works by Dr. ████ ██████.

On 12/17/19██, an identical clock bearing the same design was discovered in ███████ V. of Perth, Australia. The clock was recorded to be in pristine condition, and appeared to have never been utilized beyond that of a clock tower.

The clock was recovered from the ████ ███ ████ family, who owned the clock while working at ██████ Mechanical Works, which had been their main business for a number of years. The clock was found to be missing a dial, and was therefore ruled to be anomalous. The local government began to attempt to find the clock, and broadcast a cover story of a clock tower being found and destroyed.

Over the following three weeks, Foundation personnel were contacted by a presenter on [REDACTED]. The presentation was a notary agent with the name "Wilfried," who claimed to be an agent of a temporal fusing expert working at ██████ Mechanical Works, and that he knew of SCP-682's existence and was attempting to recover it. The presentation was fully expected by Foundation personnel, and avoided production of the event. Currently, the only personnel who are aware of SCP-682's location are Dr. █████████, Agent █████████, and Agent Berggren.

Alleged manifestations of SCP-682 have been described by both the camera and hardcopy of the clock, but are only present when the clock is held by two or more people and begins to show signs of wear. This occurs when the viewer attempts to remove SCP-682, and fails to completely cover over it. Physical contact with the clock will cause SCP-682 to cure, and will sometimes heal more quickly than the viewer would have expected. Once healed, the clock will show its initial effects in the viewer. The user is unable to remove SCP-682.





“You and Dr. ██████.”

“Dr. Barber.”

“Of course.”

“█████, Barber.”

“███, ███, ████.”

“█████, ████.”

“█████, ████.”

“█████, ████.”

“█████, ████.”

“█████, ████.”

“█████, ████.”

“█████, ████.”

“███████, ████.”

“███████, ████.”

“███████, ████.”



“Dr. Barber.”

“Dr. ██████.”

“Dr. ██████.”

“Dr. ██████.”

“Dr. Barber,”

“Dr. Barber,”

“Dr. Barber,”

“Dr. Barber,”

“Dr. Barber,”

“Dr. Barber,”

“Dr. Barber,”

“Dr. Barber,”

“Dr. Barber,”

“Dr. Barber,”

“Dr. Barber,”

“Dr. Barber,”

“Dr. Barber,”

“Dr. Barber,”

“Dr. Barber,”

“Dr. Barber,”

“Dr. Barber,”

“Dr. Barber,”

34 minutes later, Dr. Barber walked over to Dr. ██████, and and was unable to remove SCP-682. Agent Berggren was able to remove it. Dr. Barber then telephoned the leader of the viewing party. No further sightings were reported.


page revision: 1, last edited: 2019-05-14 12:54:22.031909
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