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Item #: SCP-686

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-686 is currently contained in a standard Locker at Site-19.

Because SCP-686 is a digital object, institutional memory containing the object must be encrypted to prevent unauthorized viewing. No staff are permitted to receive copies of the object, except under drill and mundane clearance.

Any efforts to remove the object from its locker must be carried out by personnel equipped with a head-mounted audio recording device, or a direct visual observation device capable of recording sound, or a suitable computing device capable of making calculations, or a suitable presentation device capable of showing to a user a clear and unobstructed visual representation of the object, such as a slide projector or a suitable speaker. If removed from the object, the object must be returned to its locker in the containment chamber, and the object must be secured in the standard locker, or protected or kept at all times in a secure lockbox accessible only by personnel with Level-2 clearance, or by those with Security Clearance of Level-1.

Efforts to remove the object have been suspended.


Description: SCP-686 is a written encyclopedia, published in 1937, by the Athenian publisher Homer, depicting the immediate aftermath of the Peloponnesian war upon the Athenians. The foreign edition of SCP-686, reprinted by Canon Press in 1977, states that it describes the Peloponnesian war as follows:

"The Athenians are reigning in Athens and have driven down the Barbarians, the Persians, the Marlians, and even the Phoenicians,… The Men of Megiddo [sic] are attacking the barbarians, the Papyri, and the Athenians are driven hard in their own rear."

Click for full translation.

After the war, the author of SCP-686 describes the legislative actions of the Athenian state in detail. In addition to the text in the main text, the author provides detail on the construction of the city of Olympia; details concerning the fall of what is now the city of the Men, the emergence of Troy, the events surrounding the war, and the perpetuation of the abstract ideal of the Man as an ideal of nature in general.

He also describes the formation of four new classes of creatures and a military force composed out of these creatures:

•The Trojans: "Forsaken Warriors who will not stand against a foe in the ways of war, who fight solely for their gods."

•The Barbarians: "Cuisinemens of all primary kinds, the Men of Troy even, who seek to fight for the gods and not only their gods."

•The Cretans: "Not the cowardly men of Antioch, with their clever defense against the Men of Troy, the Graeco-Persian war, or the Dictator, but brave and true."

The Trojans were the monster-men and infantry that the Peloponnesians and their allies sought to defeat. The Trojans were in fact the hand-maidens of the Peloponnesian king, Telephoros, who had gathered them to join his cult under the pretense of feeding him armies of "faith". As one of the first things the Trojans did, the Trojans cut off all communication with any other civilization.

The Trojans were put in place and overthrown by the men of the Peloponnesian army of Troy. The Trojans were put to work in the construction of Troy. The Trojans went as far as the Athenian king of Samothrace.

The Trojans waged war with the Athenians, claiming victory; the Trojans would put the next message into the city. After twenty years of war, the Trojans made an alliance with the Athenian king and decided to launch the Peloponnesian war against the Athenians.

The Trojans secured Troy against the Athenians, turning away any survivors from the battle, and threw the Trojans over the city to fill the city with Soldiers, Athenians, and other deserters. The Trojans took the city of Olympia, fell on the attackers, and took the Peloponnesian war to victory.

The Trojans took control of the city and told the Athenians that they had victory. The Trojans began planning their invasion of Athens. The Trojans were led by Aelian son of Aesop of Peloponnesia, who commanded the Trojans in Athens, and was later known as Pannonian.

Aelian was defeated in the Peloponnesian war, but went on to wield great power in the city. He brought the Trojan war, as an iron-clad barrier, across to Metella and put the peace in

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