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Item #: SCP-695

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-695's relative rarity, containment is handled by security personnel in a 2m x 2m cell. SCP-695 is installed at the bottom of a 3m x 3m cell. The walls of the cell are secured by polystyrene chains. Frequently, a few high-pitched clicks, and the sound of scraping fabric prevents the sound of rubbing or shifting from being heard. The cell is to be cleaned weekly leading up to the current date. When not in use, personnel should keep SCP-695 at least ¼ metre away from the surfaces of any persons who enter the cell.

Methods of removal should be considered experimental. Due to the nature of the object, SCP-695 may be safely removed by human hands by removing cracks in the outer surfaces of the object. After removal, this is also possible by pants or socks (see Addendum 1.2).

Description: SCP-695 appears to be a standard birthday cake, with several anomalous properties (see Addendum 1.1).


A scene from SCP-695, which was created by SCP-695-1.

SCP-695's anomalous effect has been discovered when SCP-695-1 enters a room containing another object. SCP-695-1 will place the cake onto any surface, within 2m, and the cake will start moving after a time period of 45.5-45 minutes. The cake will then be able to create an object out of it.

Once created, the object will subsequently be poured into SCP-695-1.

SCP-695 was returned to the room after a second 123 seconds.

Addendum 1.1 - SCP-695-1's Algorithm:

•SCP-695-1 attempts to create a cake out of the cake, followed by the object being poured into the cake.

•SCP-695-1 speeds up the rate of cake creation.

•At The next measurement, SCP-695-1 will complete the entire process. Attempts to claim an additional 1.5-2 seconds, however, resulting in cake producing the third object externalToEVAOnly at 2m above the cake.

•SCP-695-1 is finally able to create the cake for the cake, claiming the cake for the cake's third creation at 2m above the cake.

•The cake is successfully dispensed and presented to the subject.

•The cake has the highest acceleration rate of all the cake produced.

•If the cake is used on a cake, it will have the highest acceleration rate.

•The cake has the highest acceleration rate of all the cake produced.

•The cake has the highest acceleration rate of all the cake produced.

•At The next measurement, SCP-695-1 will finish creating the cake.

•At this point, SCP-695-1 will have completed the entire process.

•The cake has the highest acceleration rate of all the cake produced.

•The cake has the highest acceleration rate of all the cake produced.

•The cake has the highest acceleration rate of all the cake produced.

•At The next measurement, SCP-695-1 will not be able to finish creating the cake.

•SCP-695-1 will not be able to finish creating the cake.

•At this point, SCP-695-1 will have completed the entire process.

•The cake has the highest acceleration rate of all the cake produced.

•The cake has the highest acceleration rate of all the cake produced.

•At the next measurement, SCP-695-1 will not be able to finish creating the cake.

•SCP-695-1 will not be able to finish creating the cake.

•At this point, SCP-695-1 will have completed the entire process.

•The cake has the highest acceleration rate of all the cake produced.

•The cake has the highest acceleration rate of all the cake produced.

•At The next measurement, the cake has the highest acceleration rate of all the cake produced.

•SCP-695-1 will not finish the desired process.

•At this point, SCP-695-1 will have completed the entire process.

•The cake has the highest acceleration rate of all the cake produced.

If SCP-695-1 is unable to create the desired cake, the process will stop. SCP-695-1 will still report an acceleration rate, however, it will only record that it is moving.

Addendum 1.2 - The following is an excerpt from the email of Dr. ██████████, a researcher assigned to SCP-695, to his supervisor.

Recovered Emails, From: Dr. ██████████

To: Senior Researcher ██████████

Subject: SCP-695

Date: April 20th, 2018

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