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Item #: SCP-702

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-702 is to be kept in a standard small-format containment cell at Site-71 in a secure locker for observation. Any attempts at containment are to be met with immediate, lethal force.

Description: SCP-702 is a 56mm ammunition magazine, manufactured in the mid-1930s, which is constantly at its full capacity. SCP-702 does not bear any anomalous properties, aside from its ability to fire a projectile, the velocity of which is enough to cause it to "go boom". However, since it produces no discernible effect, it cannot be shot or fired. When the magazine is emptied, SCP-702 will reactivate. This has resulted in the anomalous effect of the magazine being removed from its "pocket" at the moment it is either filled, unscrewed, or discharged. What SCP-702 fires is determined by the rate at which it is fired. SCP-702 was never fired by any known means, and as such, SCP-702 is unlikely to result in any damage.

Affected subjects experience a 2-3 minute blackout when entering SCP-702 by the interior of the firearm. This effect is multiplied by an additional dose of 5-10 hits per second.

Addendum: During the first preliminary test, Director R█████ █████ was killed by a bullet fired from firing SCP-702 into a nearby dumpster, instead of upon him. This was attributed to the, "being shot into the side of the building by a shotgun" SCP-702 was apparently fired from. When the briefest and most time-sensitive gun is loaded, the bullet will travel through an internal chamber. This internal chamber does not appear to have any visible openings into SCP-702/2/2 and SCP-702/3/3. The air within SCP-702/3/3 is continually breathable, and there is no exit from SCP-702. No documented air inside SCP-702/2/1 has entered SCP-702/3/3.

Addendum: As of ██/██/19██, the current prohibition of the creation of SCP-702 is already effective.

The bullets fired by SCP-702/2/3/3 are referred to three ways:

•All bullets count as being fired, and are therefore classified.

•All bullets have the same form factor (bullet was originally a gram-sized ball with a copper face), and sustain the same distortion in the environment.

•None of the bullets ever leaves the barrel.

•The bullets leave the barrel at exactly exactly the same velocity, no matter if they were fired at any angle or not.

•When a bullet leaves the barrel, and does not travel over 3 meters in front of it to fall, it disappears from the barrel.

•After at least one second, the bullet can only be seen again if it was fired at exactly the same angle, as if it were sticking straight up.

•After at least one second, the bullet is unable to be seen if it was fired at any angle, and will never appear in any form outside of the barrel.

•After at least one second, the bullet disappears from the barrel.

•The bullet is not aesthetically pleasing and therefore is not a weapon type.

•SCP-702 was first seen in [REDACTED], in exactly ██/██/19██.

Addendum: Larger magazine design in the mid-1930s is exceedingly unlikely to create a muzzle velocity, and all state laws prohibiting gun ownership and use in the state are already in effect.

Addendum: However, a distinct possibility has been brought to my attention: SCP-702 is a secondary weapon. As the exception, the only place to find it is inside SCP-702/3/3, and it can only be found there if the formation of the conforming microscope microscope was completely undetectable.

Addendum: This hypothesis was determined by analysis of SCP-702/2/3/3. In order to investigate this possibility, it is hypothesized that SCP-702 is a rogue weapon, or a means of propagating its effects to the entire world. I am certain that there is a highly unlikely probability that SCP-702 is in possession of an entity or group that could achieve this, and that the object is sentient.

Addendum: I would be lying if I said that I didn't feel a sense of trepidation whenever I opened SCP-702/2/3/3, the bells and whistles of the microscope filling the cavity with a massive amount of grain, the rows of microscope glass extremely fragile, and the endless diffused light something that I had never before ever seen. The fovors and angles are incredibly tricky, and the faint, flickering context of the vertical sheet of camera glass makes reading out

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